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"Well clearly it was a village of bad people since you got a pupped fated mate," Yoongi countered.

"True," Hobi was grinning, "I am super lucky in that aspect." He laid down on the table and sighed like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders, "I just don't know what to do. I can't prove the gifts are from her and it's not like it's illegal to leave gifts for someone."

"But you have a fated mate and if we could prove they are courting gifts you could at least get a restraining order on her."

"Yeah, but we all know that if she wanted to see me, a piece of paper won't stop her."

"Just keep an eye out for her, she's already tried to mate you twice now and I don't think she's going to stop anytime soon."

"I don't either if I'm being honest. She scared me Yoongi, she was never like this before. Yes I know she got the short end of this. She had a doting Alpha that was courting her with the absolute intention of mating her. I loved her so much, but it's my fated mate."

"I get it, you weren't around when Jiminie and I first met. But I wasn't exactly single either. I wasn't in as committed a relationship as you, but I wasn't free either. That drove Jimin's Omega insane and caused so much drama. Plus you know how Alphas are after they meet their fated. Trying to do anything with anyone was not working, hell it was barely working with just me," he scoffed with an eye roll.

"But you don't regret it?"

Yoongi shook his head quickly, "Jimin was the one that hated me. I was more indifferent and then it turned into more of I got joy out of annoying him. Seeing him get all huffy, his scent going insane as he yelled at me were the highlights of my days. I love him, even if he sometimes acts more Alpha than I do. He's my everything."

Tae was so sleepy, school was exhausting and the pup was kicking his ass. All he wanted to do was curl up in his nest and cuddle his Alpha. But Hobi had practice and wouldn't be home for a few hours. He could go to the studio and watch him, he's done it before. But his nest is calling him and who is he to say no?

He was a bit out of it so he wasn't really paying attention when he ran into a girl. She had a mask on and a bucket hat so he couldn't see her face properly. He just heard her mutter something before scurrying off. There was a bit of pain in his side, but he didn't think much of it. He just assumed that he was hungry. It wasn't until he heard Kook yelling his name and everything went dark that he smelled it, blood.

Jungkook was freaking the fuck out, no one was answering their phones and Tae was not responding and he was bleeding from his stomach like someone stabbed him. He also smelled really weird. "Are you his Alpha?"

He blinked at the paramedic, "no, he's my brother." If he said anything else he wouldn't be allowed to go with Tae and there was no way he was going to let his friend go by himself.

"Okay, come with us. We'll take care of him." The baby Alpha nodded slowly and held Tae's hand as the stretcher was put into the ambulance, "how far along is he?"

"Huh?" He asked before looking down at Tae, "is that why you smell weird?" He whispered softly before looking up at the paramedic. "He can't be far along, he hadn't told me anything about it yet. He might not even know."

"Well what about the Alpha that knocked him up? Where is he?" The paramedic was getting a little judgy and Kook was not going to have that. He growled a bit making the paramedic at least look a little ashamed.

"His fated mate isn't answering the phone because he's in class, but the second he knows something is wrong with Tae he'll be there. Now, is the pup okay?"

With a sigh he finally started to check on the pup since he got the bleeding situation taken care of. A few seconds later Jungkook heard it, the soft whoosh of the pups heartbeat. "Looks like this little pup is a fighter."

Jungkook was sitting in the waiting room, his knee was bouncing up and down and he was chewing on his finger nervously. He'd sent a text out to everyone letting them know what was going on. Jimin was the first to respond and then Jin. They said they'd get everyone and be there. Kook knew the instant that Hobi walked into the hospital even if it was two floors away. The scent of pissed off Alpha that was in protection mode was clear to anyone within a half mile radius.

"What happened? Where is my mate?"

The baby Alpha burst into tears, "I was so scared and none of you were answering the phone and there was so much blood."

"Is, what about the pup? Did we lose the pup? I can't believe I was taking a fucking chem test and my mate was having a miscarriage."

Kook shook his head, "miscarriage?"

The elder Alpha stopped his rant, "you said he was bleeding. My mate is pregnant Kook."

His eyes widened, "he wasn't having a miscarriage Hobi, it looked like someone stabbed him. He has a wound on his stomach not far from his belly button. But the paramedic said he was okay and the pup. I don't know anything else, they took him to the OR." It was all he got out before he started crying again. Jin wrapped his arms around the youngest and pumped out calming pheromones until he calmed down.

"He was stabbed?" The question was asked so quietly but with so much rage, "who the fuck would stab my mate?"

"I don't know, I just saw Tae walking towards me and I called his name because he seemed out of it. Then I saw the blood and he started to faint. I caught him and called the ambulance. No one was answering their phone, I didn't know what to do."

Hobi knew he needed to help the Alpha, but he couldn't focus on that right now. Plus Jin and Joon were there, they'd help him. They both surrounded the youngest and cooed at him telling him what a great Alpha he was and how he saved Tae and the pups life. "I'm going to go ask what's going on," Hobi looked at Jimin and nodded his head.

The nurse came rushing over, "he said that you are Kim Taehyungs fated mate?" When Hobi nodded his head, the nurse grabbed his hand, "they'll need you, come on."

"See if you can smell anything on his clothes. I couldn't pick anything up because he was in so much distress and there was so much blood, plus I was freaking out." Hobi looked at Kook and nodded his head once before following the nurse to Tae's room.

The scent of distressed Omega filled the air and it was breaking his heart, Tae was still asleep under heavy sedation but once he rubbed their scent glands together his heartbeat started to steady out. "He was lucky, two more inches deeper and you two would have lost the pup."

His heart was breaking, he may not have had much say in the making of their pup but that didn't mean that he didn't want and love it already. "They'll be okay, both of them? I can't lose him," he whispered the last part afraid to say it too loudly.

"They'll be fine, although I suggest he takes some time off of school. With this incident and the pup, it would be best if he could just rest."

"I'll tell him," was all Hobi could say as he watched his mate sleep fitfully, his free hand was on his still flat tummy. He was still trying to protect their pup, even in his sleep.

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