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Jin walked over to the spooked Alpha and wrapped his arms around them, "you did good little Alpha, we'll take over from here."

Kook pushed out his breath and nodded his head, "are you sure you'll be okay? Where's Namjoonie?"

Jin smiled as he brushed some of the Alpha's hair back from his forehead, "he's outside waiting on you. Go back with him and stay at his place until we get through this, okay?"

"He won't be mad?" His voice was so small as he looked down at his feet.

"It was his idea actually, now go, Tae needs us right now and your scent is only disturbing him."

That was all Kook needed to hear, he looked at Tae before turning around and running out of the apartment straight into Namjoon's chest. "I've got him," the elder Alpha told Jin before he gave the Omega a kiss and closed the door.

Jimin was sitting on the floor beside the bed trying to convince the younger to drink and eat something, but all Tae kept doing was shaking his head and saying that he needed his Alpha. Jimin turned to look at Jin, "we need to call him, it's only going to get worse. Trust me, I know this. Not having your fated mate during your cycle is the worst pain imaginable."

"We can't, and you know that Jimin, you know where he's at?" He whispered the last part not wanting to upset Tae more than he already was.

The younger stood up and marched his way over to Jin, poking him in the middle of his chest, "I don't care what you say, you aren't fated. I'm calling him, it's his choice what he wants to do with the information."

"You are making this so much harder on him, I thought she was your friend?"

Jimin was pissed his scent was so strong that even Tae could smell it as he whined from his nest. "She is, but wouldn't you want someone to tell you if Joonie met his mated mate? Or would you rather keep going like nothing is happening?" He stepped impossibly closer to the older Omega, "Hobi won't even be able to get hard, so it's not like he can actually help her in the way she needs to be helped. All he can do is scent her and make sure that she eats and stays hydrated."

"How do you know?"

His eyes were glowing bright blue, "we hated each other at first, remember. I did everything to fight it and in a way so did he," Jimin chuckled a bit, "he couldn't get hard to save his life, he couldn't even jack off when he wanted to unless he thought of me. He might have hated me, but his Alpha loved me with his entire being and made Yoongi's life hell until the asshole made amends."

"Your love story is so strange," Jin mumbled. "But do what you must, you are fated after all."

Jimin pulled his phone out and stepped outside into the hallway, "Jimin?" Hobi rushed out, there's no way the Omega would call if it wasn't an emergency. "What's wrong, is Tae okay?" There was a hiss in the background.

"So you told her?"

Hobi sighed as he stepped away from the hissing Omega in her nest, "she knew as soon as I walked in. Apparently, my Alpha smelled wrong to her." Yes, another side effect of being fated and meeting your mate. "I was going to tell her," he whispered.

"Was that before or after you tried to fuck her?" Jimin wanted to be pissed, but he knew that the situation wasn't ideal.

"You knew I wouldn't be able to didn't you?"

"I did," Jimin sighed, "once I knew you two were fated at least. How did she take it?"

"Not well, she demanded my cock. All but ripped my pants trying to get to it, but yeah."

Jimin rubbed his scent gland, where Yoongi will bite him when they are ready to be mated. "Yeah, I know. But that's not why I called."

"Is he okay?" Hobi whispered, "my Alpha is freaking out, he hates being so far away from him. But she needed to be told, she deserved to be told and not dragged along."

"She did, it just couldn't have come at the worst time. You should have gone before her heat and told her so she had time to find someone to help her with it since you can't."

"I didn't want to leave Tae until I absolutely had to." It sounded like Hobi was choking up on the other end of the phone, "I hate this Jimin. I was happy with Moonsu and then he came and now everything is fucked. My heart wants her, but my head wants him and I don't know what to do. I can't eat, I can't sleep, fuck I can't even get hard."

Jimin understood, of course he did. Him and Yoongi had talked about this in length and great detail. He knew exactly what Yoongi's Alpha had put him through. "It's only going to get worse Hobi. As much as I hate it, you have to let her go and let your heart find him." Jimin sighed a bit, he was about to ruin the Alpha's entire day even more, "Tae is in pre-heat and crying for his Alpha."

Hobi gasped as he squeezed the phone so tightly it almost broke. "Is he okay?"

"Physically, yes. Mentally, not so much."

"He rejected me, did he tell you?"

He actually had and Jimin wanted to laugh at him because if only it was that easy. Jimin had rejected Yoongi and vice versa probably 100 times before they stopped. They'd scream it at each other whenever they'd see each other in public, much to their friends amusement. "He did, I also know from experience that it doesn't work that way. His Omega has to agree with the rejection and since it's currently in a nest that is drowning in your scent and wearing your hoodie, he doesn't."

"He's wearing my hoodie," Hobi rumbled as his eyes flashed red. "I'm coming home, I'll make sure Moonsu has everything she'll need and I'm coming home."

He hung up the phone and went back into Moonsu's room where the Omega was sitting and still hissing, "you are my courting partner, you are going to be my mate, you are not leaving me for some whore."

They'd been over this multiple times, "he's my fated mate Moonsu, you know I have absolutely no say in this. I don't want to hurt you, but I can't stay. He's in pre-heat and he needs me."

She growled as she lunged for him, Omega's in heat have a lot of strength in them and Hobi was seeing it first hand. She straddled him as she ripped his pants off, "and I'm in active heat," she screamed as she tried to manipulate his cock into something she could sit on. But it wasn't working, no matter how she tried to stroke it, it stayed soft.

He tried fighting her off, but she growled and tried to bite him. It took everything in him to keep his neck away from her, otherwise she'd mate him and they'd all be fucked. "You have to stop Moonsu. I'll never be your mate."

She pulled back as she glared at him, her Omega in full control as she growled at him. "Oh you will be, that I can promise you Alpha."

Hobi was freaking out, his Alpha was freaking out, the Omega on top of him that's practically molesting him is trying to mate him against his will. "Moonsu, stop," he growled in his Alpha voice. It was the only way he could get through to her. She fought it though, fought it so hard as he pushed her off of his lap. "I'm done Moonsu, he's going to be my mate no matter what you do. I'm sorry to do this to you, this isn't the way I wanted it to go. I do love you, probably always will. But he's my fated."

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