Ryōta:How come nobody told me about this?

Kiriko:Yes, it's true that we're dating and to be honest that's why i believe that they chose to target him.

Sakura:So what are we going to do?

Nobuto:I mean they might use Y/N as blackmail. Torture or probably kill him if we do dont listen to them.

Ryōta:I for one don't plan on giving up.

Kiriko:We're not gonna give up so easily. It pains me to even say that we might have to move on. We don't even know where Y/N is to even attempt a sneak rescue mission. But all i know is that if i give up on fighting against the Hashimoto, then I'd be giving up fighting for everything, my father, Kanezaka, and even Y/N. Giving up would be nothing but a slap to the face to everyone.

The room stayed slient only to be interrupted by clapping. I looked at my friends but nobody was clapping.

???:Such a beautiful speech.

I felt a presence in the room, the voice sounded familar. Everyone was looking around for the voice again. A purple static silhouette began to take the shape of a human revealing Sombra.

Ryōta:Hey isn't that the criminal hacker?

Sombra:I have a name you know.

Kiriko:What do you want? This isn't a good time.

Sombra:Everytime is a good time to see me. Besides i have information related to that boyfriend of yours.

This immediately peaked my interest, besides i have a trust for her.

Kiriko:Name your price.

Sombra:Always wanting to get to the point. This is why i like you as a client.

Sombra had her hands behind her back as she took out her phone.

Sombra:I don't really have a price this time. So let's call it an extension on our deal.

Kiriko:Deal. So where is Y/N?

Sombra:Well, he's not at Hashimoto tower anymore.

Nobuto:Wait the Hashimoto are located in some tower.

Sombra:Yes, it towers over Kanezaka like some great big entity. The place where your boyfriend is at is Nepal.

Sakura:Why on earth would they send Y/N to Nepal of all places?

Ryōta:Probably to get him far away from Japan.

Sombra:Well he wasn't intended to go to Nepal. They wanted to send him somewhere in Europe but the plane crashed.

Nobuto:Hold on the plane what?

Ryōta:I don't believe this..

Kiriko:Sombra let me hear this for myself.

Sombra:As you wish.

Sombra hit play on her phone the recording of a call between the Hashimoto clan's leader and a underling.

Hashimoto clan leader:The plane what!?

Hashimoto clan member:Yes sir, we're tracking it down it seemed it crashed in Nepal.

Hashimoto clan leader:Nepal! How could this happen? That means the boy is more likely dead!

Anger once again burnt through me, that voice of a scumbag.

The voice of the man who runs my home in pure tyranny.

The voice of the man who tells his goons to terrorize civilians for his own gain.

The protectors of Kanezaka (Kiriko x Male Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat