Chapter 29

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Special thanks to Abhyutami_op for her lovely comments. They've always made my day :)
This is going to be the 2nd last chapter of this book.
Enjoy reading . . .


Abhyudaya returned from the hectic four-week business trip. He was extremely tired and slept for a while before going to office.

It was impossible for a person like Abhyudaya to stay at home because of jet lag.

He did not notice anything wrong with Gautami. He saw that she was cleaning up something, but that was not unusual. 

Gautami was extraordinarily neat. He often joked, 'If I don't hold on to the shirt that I am wearing, Gautami may give it away to somebody while cleaning the cupboard.'

Before leaving for office, he had told Gautami that he wanted to have an early dinner that day. 

Gautami said, 'Abhi, do you have time now? I want to tell you something very urgent.'

'No, Gautami, I am late already. We will speak over dinner.'

'But, in case you get delayed in coming back from your office, it might be too late.'

'Oh, that's not a problem. I will come early for you today.'

He left, not even bothering to ask what the important matter was. He thought it would be one of her impractical ideas.

There was a vast difference between promising something and executing it.But as promised, Abhyudaya came home early that day.

He seemed very excited, jubilant even. Gautami was sitting on the sofa, staring at the ceiling. 

Abhyudaya did not notice that. He came, threw his coat on the dining table and sat next to her on the sofa.

Holding her in his arms he said, 'Hey, Gautami, today you must congratulate me. I have become the managing director of the company. I have been chosen as one of the top executives of the country. Gautami, when I was in IIT, my classmates went abroad. But I had said that I would stay in India and achieve more here than they did there. Today I have realized my dream. Now you are the wife of a managing director. Let us move out of this house. We will take up a place in Malabar Hill maybe, overlooking the sea, as per your wish. Gautami, I do not like to fight with you and I feel extremely unhappy when we quarrel. You should understand that my profession demands all these things. You cannot have the rice and eat it too. Now, I will take some time off. Wherever you want, I will accompany you. I will not go to Hubli. This time, you are my priority.'

Like the old days he put his head on her lap and continued to chatter. Gautami remained silent.Whatever he was saying was futile, like pouring water on a stone.

Normally, Gautami would have rejoiced at his promotion, as if it was her own. For the first time she did not feel she was a part of his success. 

Abhyudaya found her silence strange and thought she was still angry. He got up and turned her face towards him. He noticed that there were no tears or anger in her eyes.

On the contrary,there was a determination and sadness. 

Gautami stood up without saying anything.

'Abhi, this is the key to the house, and this one to your Godrej almirah. This is the finance file, as of today. Please keep them all carefully.' 

Abhyudaya was puzzled. He did not understand what she was talking about.'Gautami, why do I need all these things? Are you going somewhere? Even then I will not need these things.' 

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