Chapter 17

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After a very long time, Abhyudaya received a letter from Pranav, his old friend.

Abhi was now one of the prominent persons in his field in India and abroad. He had a secretary, Ms Priya, in the office.

Over a period of time, he required someone at home too, who was smart, reliable and able to take responsibility and most importantly, intelligent and obedient.

Gautami soon became the "extremely efficient personal secretary" that Abhyudaya Mohan had wanted at home.

Abhyudaya did not have to create an official position for her.
It was the obedient, understanding and helpful nature of Gautami that had made Abhyudaya hand over such grave responsibilities to her.

She believed that Abhyudaya was doing a great job and it was her duty to help him. In addition to looking after his personal correspondence, she had to be a good hostess to Abhyudaya's personal and official guests too. 

Abhyudaya would merely sign all the letters that Gautami would prepare. 
Gautami had learnt basic computer skills and was able to use the internet and e-mail too.

After much coaxing, Gangakka had been persuaded to visit them in Bangalore. Thereafter, she made many trips.
Her favourite part of the house was the balcony. She would not travel by bus or train any more. She would only fly. The success and prosperity of her son had made Gangakka more arrogant.

However, she did not change her mind about Gautami . She still thought it was bad luck that her son had married Gautami.

As she held Pranav letter in her hands, Gautami's mind went back to the good old Hubli days.

Once upon a time, all of them were so close to each other but now, everyone was in their own world.

Mithilesh was married and had two daughters. He was running his father's oil shop successfully and had amassed a lot of black money. He had gone on a world tour with his wife and on the way back had stayed with them in Bangalore.
They had talked about their school days and the boys' vs girls' team jokes.

Jokingly, Mithilesh had said, 'I have two daughters so I am in the girls' team now.'

Gautami noticed that though Mithilesh had once been a very close friend of Abhi, he hardly spoke to Myth in a free and frank manner. It was Gautami who spoke all the time. 

Pranav had been in the US for a long time now. His father would still convert the dollar salary into rupees and tell everyone how much his son was earning.

Gautami started reading the letter. . .

Dear Abhyudaya, 

I don't remember when I had written to you last. The gap has not been intentional but only due to the changes in our address.

My father informs me once in a while about your progress.
But the other day when I saw you at the conference on software technology at SFO on CNN, I was delighted. You have not changed much physically. But you have achieved great things in life. Your talk on the computer industry in the Third World was great.
My hearty congratulations to you.
Your speech had such authority and was very effective. I remembered our conversation on the train, the day we left IIT. 

Abhyudaya, there are very few achievers in life. Those who achieve what they set out to, are even more rare.
What you have dreamt, you have realized. My heart jumps with joy.
I also remember together hand of yours' who is behind your success.

She has been unassuming, undemanding, and totally submissive to your needs and to your achievements. Abhyudaya, without her, you would not have been what you are today.

Let me write something about myself. Perhaps it is not an achievement at all in the worldly way.
As you know, I used to read about psychology a lot in my IIT days.
After coming to this country, I started studying more psychology than engineering.

In our country, the future of children is decided by the parents! The reason could be our economic and social conditions. Parents feel that if the child does not take up engineering or medicine, then he or she cannot survive. They don't care what the child really wants.

After coming here, I realized that I prefer psychology to engineering and so I changed my subject.
My decision made my father very angry. He thought I had gone mad. My sisters were equally upset and sent me tearful letters.
However, I am in a country where such pressures are not important, so I did what I liked.
I have completed my Ph.D and am working as a psychology professor in a college.
In this rich country where personal freedom is more important, there are weak social bonds. So, there are a lot more psychological issues.

Though I would like to come back to India, my profession might not fetch me the right job, so I am continuing here.I hope you receive this letter because I have picked up your address from Computer World Magazine.
Kindly reply. 

When I think of Gautami, I continue to be amazed by her clear thinking and her wise decisions,like when she chose to join arts college in spite of getting the first rank in her tenth board exams.
Do You remember that we had laughed at her?
Now when I look back, I feel she was the brightest.
She knew what she liked and she did exactly that.
Abhyudaya you are very lucky to get such a companion.

What is the news of the rest of our friends?

Anthony is in the merchant navy. I met him two years back.
Vasudev Shenoy left engineering and joined the IAS. He is in Delhi. I heard that you visit the US often. The next time you are here, please call me on this number, 215-386-6660. I would like to meet you and Gautami whenever I am in India.

Please remember me to Gautami.       

Yours affectionately,


Gautami was disturbed after reading Pranav's letter.
Of late, her self-esteem had gone down so much that she wondered whether she really deserved all of Pranav's compliments.
If she was so clear in her thinking, then why was she so disturbed?She didn't know. 

Gautami wanted Abhi to read Pranav's letter and talk about it. So she kept it next to his plate on the dining table.

In her heart of hearts she hoped Abhi would read the compliments that Pranav had paid her and say a few words of praise to her.

Abhi did read the letter and without any emotion, he said, 'Please enter the contact details in my personal diary and our system.'

Gautami was disappointed.

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