Chapter 11

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My Abhi,
I received your letter and I am sorry I broke my schedule for the first time. The reasons are numerous. I wish you had stayed a little longer and we could have talked about everything in detail. Abhi, I told my mother and hesitantly, she has agreed. She has some queries, though. My mother's acceptance of our marriage is very important to me. When you come here next time, you can officially talk to my father and grandmother. Let me not create a scene now.Are you aware of what is happening at your home? It is really scaring me. Your mother has started searching for a bride for you with great vigour, after reading about your job and all that. Every day she has an appointment at one or the other girl's house. She has no clue about us. This is the result of your not telling her. Suhana is also here to help your mother. Abhi, I am in no condition to bring a lot of gold and silver, to match your mother's expectations.Regarding yourself, you know, the figure of your salary is immaterial to me. The foundation of my happiness is not the digits that you earn, but the digits of your love, affection andcompanionship.I am aware that life in Bangalore is tough, still one percent of India's population lives there! We will be a part of that.When you are with me,How does it matter where we live?Let it be a desert or a forest,Let it be pouring rain or scorching sun,That is heaven to me! Abhi, I have a small wish. Our marriage should be performed in the ISCKON Temple. I hope you will understand my feelings and agree.
Waiting to be yours,


It was the beginning of June. The humidity was high, making people sweat profusely. Bustling Bombay waited impatiently for the rains to start.                                                                                            It was the last day at IIT for Abhi and his batchmates. Examinations wherever, job offers and scholarships to go abroad had been received and everyone was dreaming of the future. This was probably the last time that the entire group would be together. They had all entered this campus as teenagers and today, they were leaving as young and confident engineers, hoping to achieve fame and fortune in the outside world! Many of them got quite emotional when they were saying goodbye to their hostel mates. But it was all part of life.                 

Abhi and Myth were leaving for their homes by the Mahalakshmi Express from the Station.Some of the hostellers had come to see them off. As the train started moving, many hands waved goodbye, until the train could be seen no more. Soon, a cool breeze started settling in.               
Abhi and Myth occupied their seats. In the last ten days both of them had been busy packing up and sorting outlast-minute paperwork. So they had not spoken much to each other. Now, they had the chance to catch up.                                                                                            'Abhyudaya, you are well settled with a job and a house! So what is your next goal?' asked Myth.

'Mithilesh, I am clear about my path. I do not want to go to the US, get a green card and settle there! When I look at young energetic directors of companies, I feel that we can stay in our own country, work hard and achieve excellence.There is no shortcut to success. Hard work and belief in oneself can take one to any position. What about you?'                                                           
'Well, you know I got a scholarship to go to the University of Pennsylvania for the winter term. So I am planning to go to the US by end December or early January. I have to go to the US and earn more money. I have two sisters to be married off . . . That reminds me, Abhi, when are you getting married?'                                                                                             'How did you guess that?'                                                                                                       'I didn't guess, I knew! A girl who writes to you so regularly ought to be more than a friend. I also know who she is. But Abhi, how will you tell your people? A big battle might start.'

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