Chapter 16

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Gautami arrived in India three months after Abhi's return. Abhi went to the airport to receive her. He was overjoyed to see her after such a long time.

When they came out, Gautami saw a new car and a driver waiting for them. Gautami was surprised, 'Hey, Abhi, what's this?'
'Gautami, the company has given me Vishwas's position,' Abhi told her beaming with happiness. 'They have confirmed me as general manager after just three months instead of six.'

'Congratulations! But why didn't you inform me before?'
'I wanted to give you a surprise. Are you happy?'
'Abhi, I have always been a part of your life. Your achievements have always been mine.'

Gautami noticed the car was taking a different route.'Abhi, where are we going?'
'I have purchased a new three-bedroom flat in Rajajinagar, with full nature view. You will love it.' Gautami looked worried.
'How much money have you borrowed for that? We will have to work throughout our life to repay that loan, is it?'
'Gautami, are you mad. I am general manager now. I have a different status. The company has given me an interest-free loan.'
'What is the name of our apartment?'
'Casagrand Meridian.'
'But, how did you manage these things all by yourself?'
'When I managed to get the first-ranker Gautami, this is nothing.'
'Oh, come on, Abhi, tell me seriously.' 'Success is never accidental. One has to plan for it.'
When they reached the apartment, Gautami was amazed. The place was way beyond her imagination. It was a very posh and well-furnished house, befitting Abhi's new position. There were three balconies and from every balcony shehad a view of the nature, and it was very peaceful.

With the new designation, life had changed enormously for Abhi, but not for Gautami. He had become extremely busy and was touring a lot. He travelled twenty to twenty-five days a month. His life only revolved around his company, nothing else.

One monsoon evening Gautami was sitting in the balcony, staring at the road. The rain was splashing on to the balcony and she was getting wet. But she continued sitting there, with no inclination to get up.
That morning she had noticed a few grey hairs on her head.
Suddenly she began to feel age was catching up with her.
Everything had worked out well for them, financially at least. But they still didn't have any children.

The previous evening, Urmila had come to visit Gautami with her two children. Mansi still stayed in Bandra but in a two-bedroom apartment. Once in a while they would meet. The years of friendship between the two women allowed them to discuss even intimate, personal matters with each other.
'Gautami, I hope you don't mind me asking this question, but don't you get bored without children?'
'Of course I get bored. I have gone to a gynaecologist and she says everything is normal.'
'No, you should go to a specialist. You don't have any shortage of money. You better go to RxDx Hospital in Whitefield. There is a very well-known doctor there called Dr Phadke. Don't go alone. Take Abhyudaya with you. But don't delay it any further.'

Urmila's advice was what Gautami had been thinking about as she sat on the balcony that night.
As usual, Abhi came home at nine o'clock in the night.
After his dinner, he quickly settled down to read the Financial Express. Gautami came and sat next to him on the sofa and broached the topic. '
Abhi, I am getting bored at home.'
Without even looking at her, Abhi said, 'I have told you several times to register for a Ph.D but you don't seem to be bothered at all.'
'No, Abhi, I want something more important than that.'
'Then take computer classes. That will help you a lot and once you start surfing, you wouldn't even know how time flies.' Gautami got really upset. How is it that he didn't even think of children?'
'Computers are not everything in life. If you want me to learn about computers, then you study a little bit about my subject, Abhi. Moreover, I am not interested in getting a degree for any financial gain. I obey what my heart tells me.'

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