Chapter 23

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Abhyudaya received a letter from Gangakka.

She wrote, once when Abhyudaya was ill as a child, she had prayed for his recovery to Lord Krishna. Now, the Lord had appeared in her dreams and had reminded her of her dues. So she had decided to give a golden crown to the Lord. She ordered her son to take a few days' leave and make the pilgrimage with the crown.

There was no mention of Gautami in the entire letter.

Gangakka had great faith in the family deity and believed that unless Lord Krishna blessed him, Abhyudaya would not prosper. 

Abhyudaya knew that his mother was very superstitious and gods appearing in her dreams was a common occurrence.

He was very happy that his money could be used to fulfil his mother's wishes. Money was not an issue at all.

But Abhyudaya being an atheist, never went with her on pilgrimages. He thought that the next time he went to his mother's house, he would visit his sister too. But travelling to her place would take up an extra day.                                     

While having dinner that night he told Gautami, 'On my next visit to Bandra, mark two days off for personal work.' 

Gautami immediately realized the reason. It irritated her. Though she tried to hide it, her unhappiness showed on her face. 'So, you are going to Bandra. Is there any special reason?'
'Not really, but I wanted to see Aai.'           

'But Abhyudaya, I want you to take a couple of days off and sit with me to talk over many things.'

'What is there to talk for two days, Gautami?'

'When you can spend two days for your mother's sake, can't you spend two days with me? I am all alone here.'

'That is not a new thing for you. If you want, you can come to Bandra too.'

'When your mother has not called me, why should I come? Why should I stay alone here? Has your sister stayed alone any time in her life? Your mother goes to keep her company even if she is alone for a day.'

'Gautami, don't compare yourself with Suhana. You are more educated than her.'

'Abhyudaya, you have one set of rules for me and another for her. Every time she gets the upper hand only because she is uneducated. Is it wrong that I am educated? Why do I have to suffer like this?'

Actually the issue was not about staying alone. It was Gangakka.

'Abhi, you have time and money for your mother. I don't want your money. But I want your time.' 

Gautami anger was raging and her patience was breaking. She could not take any more insults from Gangakka.

'Aai knows that you are not happy there and you won't come. So she has not invited you.' 

Gautami started sobbing. All said and done, Abhyudaya was Gangakka's son.

Even after ten years of marriage, he had never been Gautami's husband. It is the duty of every mother to educate her child, regardless of the odds.

Abhyudaya,however, believed that his mother had made an extraordinary sacrifice for him.

On the other hand, all that Gautami had done was merely the duty of a wife, and there was nothing special about it. 

Abhyudaya picked up his files and went to his study. Gautami was hoping that he would talk to her, console her. But he didn't. Gautami felt suffocated. She couldn't stay in the same house with Abhyudaya. She took the house keys and walked out.

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