Chapter 25

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As soon as Harish saw Abhyudaya, he felt relieved. He hurriedly came and said, 'Abhyudaya, I am extremely sorry but I forgot to inform you that the state IT Minister is supposed to visit our office today.' 

Abhyudaya was upset for a second.
'How could you forget to tell me such an important thing? It is unpardonable.' 

Abhyudaya rushed to his chamber. His room was spacious but spartan. He had an excellent aesthetic sensibility. Anyone who walked into his office, could mistake it for an American office.

Normally, Abhyudaya did not meet all the visitors. Only if the person was very important did Abhyudaya give him an appointment.

When he came to know that the minister was supposed to visit, he started chalking out the programme.

Over the years Abhyudaya had acquired extraordinary knowledge in diverse fields. He had also developed great confidence, probably the result of his phenomenal success.

Success makes a person confident. But Abhyudaya put it in a different way: Repeated success makes a person arrogant and occasional failure makes a person confident, he would say.

Harish could not help noticing how much Abhyudaya had changed over the last fifteen years. When they had joined IIT, Harish was a Bombay boy and Abhyudaya was a small-town boy.

But today, Abhyudaya was smarter than anyone else. He was going from strength to strength every year. He had also become a workaholic.

Initially men work for money but soon, money becomes unimportant. It is power. There is nothing like power. Power is like liquor. Once the intoxication of power catches hold of an ambitious person, there is no escape from it. It is a vicious circle. Like in a whirlpool, it is difficult to come out of it. More work,more involvement and more power.

The individual loses the ability to see and enjoy anything outside his work. He is immersed in work throughout the day. Work becomes his breath.

What happens when such people grow old? All the pages in their book of life will be empty, except the page of achievement. 

Abhyudaya's book will contain different computer languages, different specifications and products,but nothing about his wife, family or friends.

To achieve that kind of success, one required a supportive, intelligent but docile and unambitious wife.

Intelligent women are normally ambitious.
Someone like Gautami, who never ever demanded anything from her husband, was rare.

Harish thought for a moment. What would have happened if Abhyudaya had married a person like Prabha, who was not very supportive or Rekha, who was an executive in the company? The answer was simple. Abhyudaya would have deserted her or she would have deserted him.

The minister's visit was over.

Harish noticed Abhyudaya's expression of pure joy when the minister left. 'Hey, Abhyudaya, how did you manage so well?' Harish asked.

'Harish, experience is my teacher and an expensive one too. Ten years ago, I joined this company as a trainee software engineer. Today I have become a director. I did not have any godfathers or any political supporters. The company does not even know to which community I belong. I have worked hard and sincerely for the benefit of the company. Not for a day have I put my personal needs or happiness before the company's. The company's success has always been more important to me than anything. There is no shortcut to success.' 

Abhyudaya went back to his chamber. Priya was checking his diary.

Harish Followed him. 'Abhyudaya, we wanted to arrange a seminar for all our project managers at Kodaikanal. Can you inaugurate it?'

'Why such an odd place?'

'Abhyudaya, everyone is not like you. They want to take a break from the routine and spend time with their families. But we cannot afford to give them leave, so this will serve both the purposes.'

'That's okay. I am not the boss of my diary. Check with Priya.'

Priya said, 'Sorry, Sir. Kodai is not connected by plane and hence it is not possible. For the next two months you are busy.'

'Then, I am sorry Harish. By the way, how is Amol?'

'Oh, he is fine. We visited him recently. He does not even want to come home for a vacation. He finds it boring here. He complains that neither of us is at home, so he prefers to be in the hostel.'

Even before Harish had finished his reply, Abhyudaya's mind went back to his work. 'Harish, we should have a road show in the US some time. I want it on top priority. We should do it before our competitors get into the market. Kindly get back to me at the earliest once you have made the preliminary plans.' 

Abhyudaya immersed himself in his work once again. He seldom spoke while working.

Normally Abhyudaya was not distracted by anything. He could focus fully assoon as he opened a file. But that day he found it difficult to concentrate. He felt like speaking to Gautami. Their frequent quarrels were increasing the distance between them. It is natural for any two human beings to differ.

A husband and wife are no exception. In fact, if they didn't differ, then there probably was something wrong with the marriage.

The previous night, Gautami had questioned his basic purpose in life.

She showed that she did not believe in what he considered essential in life.

Whenever he wanted to talk to Gautami, Abhyudaya did not ask Priya to connect him, but he would call himself.

Just as he picked up the phone to dial the home number, Priya buzzed him and said that the chairman wanted to meet him urgently. 

Abhyudaya put the phone down and walked to the chairman's chamber. . .

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