Effective Tactics

Start from the beginning

From down the hall I heard her nearly scream, "Holy fucking gods damned hell and creation!" I smirked and arranged myself to be casually leaning back my arms out to the side and my legs crossed. Suddenly my door flew open and Del was standing there, breathing hard, her face red. Her look of anger quickly drained away as her eyes fell on me and I smiled wickedly to her.

"Where is Serena my goblin?" I asked as sultry as I could manage.


Laughing Serena moved past her and said "I am...wow." He eyes widen at seeing what I was wearing.

"I was hoping you would both enjoy it." I said looking down at myself then back up to them. "Though it may not be appropriate for the serious discussion we are needing to have." I patted the pillow and they both crawled on the bed with me.

"What's up Morgs?"

"Well this will be more for Serena than you my dear. If she wishes to be alone for it would you mind leaving?" I asked touching her cheek.

"Only if I can come back and snuggles." She said with a smirk. 

"Of course." I said with a laugh.

"I trust her, plus I know she will find out either way." Serena said with a smile.

I nodded as I tried to piece my thoughts together, "First I want to say I have enjoyed the time we have spent together. It has been wonderful and no matter what it will always be special to me." She started to speak but I cut her off. "Before you go further I have things I need to say. I am not telling you to leave or anything like that, but I want you to be very aware of what you are getting into with being near me."


"I...I am very powerful among my people. This does not lend to having many friends as you saw downstairs. That was not the first assassin and it will not be the last. There is someone in this city right now that is very dangerous that would go to any length to get to me. That includes going after you." I said looking her in the eye. "I do not want you hurt, I do not want to see you in the same state as his other victims."

"I understand..." She said and I could see the hesitation in her eyes. I hardened my heart for what was to come.

"So there are only a small amount of options we have, and a couple you may not like." I said sadly.

"What are they?" She asked and I could hear the tears in her voice.

"The worse case is you get off this bed, you walk down the hall descend the stays and walk out the door. Never to return, never to call me, and I will never call you." She nodded slowly and I continued. "The second is you quit your job and stay in this house where I know you are safe at all times. When you are not out with me. The third is you take a piece of my bone into your body, this will change you, it will make you able to access magic, but like Del you will be more easily swayed by me." I watched her bow her head and I sighed closing my eyes. "I know I am asking a lot. If you want to take some time to..." I was cut off by a pair of lips on my own. My eyes popped open to see it was Serena kissing me hard her hand gently cupping my cheek. I closed my eyes wrapping my arms around her and holding her close to me returning the kiss.

"I feel so left out right now." I heard Del say causing me and Serena to break the kiss laughing.

"Come here my goblin." I said pulling her to me and kissing her as I grabbed a hand full of her ass causing her to moan softly into my mouth. I broke the kiss then kissed her forehead. I put her head on my shoulder and turned to Serena. "Not that I am complaining about the kiss... but that did not tell me your thoughts."

She smirked and said, "When I saw you, something called me. Even before you woke up and spoke, I knew I needed to be near you. Then we spent that time talking and...I just felt my self falling more. I got home that night and I went over and over what it was that drew me to you like a moth to flame. I still do not know"

Those words echoed in my head "drew me to you like a moth to flame." and I shook my head. What the hell was happening to me? Why was this happening now of all times?

"Did it happen again?" Del asked concerned.

"Yes and I am not sure why..." I said before looking back to Serena, "I am sorry please continue."

"Only if you are sure you are ok?" I nodded smiling. "So when you started this talk, I was afraid you were going to throw me away... instead you give me options. For a moment I was angry, why do you get to give me options? Then I took a moment to think about it. Does it really matter? What was more important to me, you forcing choices on me? Or the end result? So I am going for the end result of...being by your side. For now I will stay here, in the future I make take the bone, but for now I want us to be us." She said with a shy smile.

"Oh my god you two!" Del said and I could see tears streaming down her face. I laughed and hugged her close kissing her forehead. Serena laid on me and held her as well chuckling. we laid there like that for a time just enjoying being held. When Del lifted her head and asked, "Does that mean this is her room too?"

"It is also your room when Lucas is not here." I said I with a smile. "He only gets to visit until you are married." I said sternly.

"Yes my Baroness." She said with a smile, I could see the love she held and I just hoped she felt the love I had for her.

"So what exactly did you do earlier to make her swear like a sailor?" Serena asked with a smirk.

"I can tell you... or show you." I said with a giggle.

"Show, please show!" Del said getting up one he knees and smiling. I moved my left arm to my face and slowly blew across the tattoo. Her eyes went wide and she grabbed my leg gripping it tight as she shivered hard. "Oh by the gods..." She said breathing hard with her eyes closed.

"What exactly is it doing?" I asked curious.

"I can feel... hot breast all over my body..."She said panting then her eyes went wide. "Wait am I being bad by not being naked right now?"

"We had not discussed that with Serena yet." I said with a laugh.

"What am I missing?" She asked looking between us.

"She wants me to be in charge of certain things, possibly more in the future, one of those things is how she dresses. The rule is that when in private she is supposed to be nude. Though with you here, and without talking to you about it first, we are technically not in private." I said with smile.

"Well since I have decided to try it her way, I will go by the same rule." Before I could ask what she meant, she got off the bed and stripped her dress off. We got a full view of the bone underwear. She started to take it off and I help up my hand to stop her. She smirked and I took a long moment to take in the sight before motioning for her to continue. She slowly shed the rest before doing a slow turn. "Well my Baroness...does it meet with your approval?" She asked with a smirk and an eyebrow raised.

I crooked my finger at her and she crawled back on the bed, I gently grabbed the day collar and pulled her close. "I very much approve...you are mine from now until eternity ends." I whispered softly before kissing her slowly and passionately.

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