10: Know thy enemy

Start from the beginning

"Pads, don't you think that's suspicious?" Remus asked.

"That's what I thought, so I asked him, and he said, his brother did me wrong and wants to help me.."

The confusion was clear on both their faces. Sirius sighed that his 'dumb' friends still hadn't figured it out. "He is Dumbledore's brother!" He revealed. 

"He has a brother?"
"You shouldn't work for Dumbledore."
James and Remus spoke at the same time.

"Trust me, he is not like Albus...if anything, Aberforth resents him."

"And you figured that out in just one hour?"

"Two hours."


"I want to do this, Rem." Sirius sighed, "I was stuck in a house for two years and before that in prison for 13... I want to go out and work... and not in a bookstore where I just have to sit and stare at books... I want to move, run, and at the same time be closer to Josette... This job is perfect."

"Fine." Remus gave in, if this makes his friend happy, who is he to deny it?

Sirius grinned and looked at his 'deer' friend.

"Fine." James also gave, equally happy for his friend. "Wait, does Josette know?"

"Yes. And she approves."

"Look at you... needing approval from your girlfriend.." James teased him.

"You are the one to talk." Sirius teased him back.


After dinner, Draco was on his way to Josette's office. He received a letter from Voldemort this morning. It said that he should focus more on his task than quidditch, as he was made captain of the team. Indirectly telling him to quite and Draco did.

He met Dumbledore before the classes started, and for a second there he thought he should just Avada Kedavara him and put an end to all, key word thought. That's when he realized he can't perform the spell; he tried it on a plant and it didn't work. How is he supposed to kill a powerful wizard if he can't kill a tiny flower?

He needs practise and not just for that spell but in combat and everything. So, here he is, knocking on Josette's door.

She opened the door and smiled at him. "Oh! So, you do remember me!" She teased.

"I'm sorry...I was just busy." Draco replied shyly.

"Yes, yes, you are a very busy person." Josette walked in, telling him to follow. He took a seat on one of the benches when Josette asked. "So, how's your task?"

Draco tensed up. "What task??" He asked, putting on a confident mask.

"You became a death eater; Tom must have done that for a reason." Josette shrugged.

"No..no.. he hasn't said anything to me yet.." Draco lied.

"Okay.." Josette felt bad that he lied, but it's okay. He will talk when he feels comfortable, she told herself "So, what brings you here?"

"I want to join your class this year." Draco said. He hadn't taken her class before because, well, he didn't really need to, but now he does.


"Because I am a death eater and have to be ready for this war." Draco shrugged.

"You don't have to fight..."

"I need to... for mother."

Josette sighed and started walking towards her desk. "Pince closes the library at 10. Filch is done with his rounds by 11." She opened the drawer, picked up a wand, and walked back to him "The restricted section key is stuck under Pince's desk."

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