"I am sure it is not all of that." I said blushing.

"Do you really think a normal magus could get the attention of an archangel? Do you think that the gods themselves would negotiate with you if you were as lowly as ourselves? Even Lucifer wishes to be within your presence. Dear girl any child that springs from you will be more powerful than the gods themselves. Even more so if partnered with a being of great power." He said with a brilliant smile. "Now off with you, we both have work to do." He started to walk off when he turned and said, "Morganna, one last thing, sometimes it is not our future we should fear. But the future that could be should we not act."

I watched him disappear into the back of his shop then shook my head. What was all of that? What was that about the gods, Lucifer and children? Was it true what he said that I was a legend? That everyone wanted to be near me? Was I as beautiful as he said?

"Morgs...come on. We can weasel all that out later yes?" Del holding on her right hand. I smiled at her and took it, she intertwined her fingers with my own and we headed out of the building.

As we stepped outside, I heard a familiar voice say, "for someone who went into a tattoo shop, you are surprisingly without ink." I turned to see Serena standing there smiling at me.

"Ah but you see this is magic ink." I said running my hands over the backs of my hands. My Necromancer tattoos appeared and she smiled.

"Those are beautiful, just like the person they have been put on." She said with a wicked smile.

"They were drawn by a very good artist as were a couple of other ones." I said with a smirk.

"Do I get to see them as well?" She asked stepping closer to me.

"Hmm maybe...depends on how good you are and how much you missed me." I said with a smirk.

"Oh they say was grey and dull until your messages came across my phone. I longed for your sweet words to lighten the darkness I was in. Your images lit my blood afire and drove me to near insanity with desire." She said taking another step before leaning down and kissing me passionately. She broke the kiss and whispered in my ear, "if we were alone I would do my very best to make you scream my name."

I blushed hard and covered me face causing her and Del to burst into laughter. "I think you have broken her." Del said still laughing.

"I guess I have been rather bad." Serena said as she kissed the top of my head.

"It is ok...I am still getting used to...people wanting me." I said softly.

"Let's get in the car and head for the seamstress Morgs." I heard Del say.

"Oh? Are we going shopping?" I heard Serena ask grabbing my right hand.

"Calista wanted Morgs to try on some  dresses in hopes she will like them." Del said taking my left.

"Then let us go see these masterpieces." Serena said with a laugh they got me into the SUV and took up the same places on each side of me.

"Where to next Raven Queen?" The driver asked.

"The seamstress please." I replied trying to ignore the title.

"Very good." Said the driver putting the car in gear.

Turning to Serena I asked, "why did you not come in?"

"Your guards would not allow it. I told them that you were expecting me but they still refused." She said with a shrug.

"Where is Gabriel?" I asked just noticing he was not around.

"I am here Faye." I heard him say from behind me.

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