A Horrid Night. ~ PROLOGUE

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"Where am I..?" She was slowly waking up, conscious enough to begin speaking. She looks around with confusion. Really, where was she? This place looks nothing like the BFB area, yet it looks nothing like Heaven. Once she gained enough strength, she stood up on her legs. She stumbled a little but eventually, she managed to keep herself balanced. Walking around, she begins to shout for any source of living beings nearby.

"Hello!?" She yelled. She continued calling for no one in particular for a few minutes. She saw some light nearby. She began walking faster, hoping that maybe where she was currently was just a tunnel leading her to a place of peace and happiness. A place where she can finally relieve herself of stress from the many things she's been juggling her whole life. However, she wasn't met with a peaceful hill with butterflies surrounding the area.

"Firey..?" She asks. She slows herself down when she realizes who she was looking at. In front of her was the original winner of BFDI and once a friend of hers. She approaches the boy and sees a scowl on his face. Concerned, Leafy taps his shoulder lightly.

"What do you want?" Firey coldly asked. He brushes off Leafy's hand in the process and glares at her. Leafy backs away out of respect.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Leafy asked but was met with no answer. She looks around at the location that was way off of her expectations. Instead of butterflies surrounding flowers that engulfed a small hill, it was a place far from a homey feeling. Cold, empty, black and white fields surround the area. 

"Where are we anyways..? What are you doing here..?" Leafy asked. Each and every question she asked left Firey's frown to get bigger in size.

"Leafy...you do realize that we all...hate you, right?" Firey questioned Leafy. Leafy looks at Firey with a look of fear. 


"And wanna know the thing as to why we hate you..?" Firey continued on. He begins walking towards Leafy. He bumps into her, causing her to lose her footing and trip on herself. She yelps before she was met with the soft wet grass on the ground. She picks herself up and turns herself to try and pick herself up, yet she was stopped when Firey pushes his foot on her body.

"It's not because you would push your opinions on us with none of our consent, or you not even listening to our opinions. It's none of that. It's because you think you're are perfect the way you are..." Firey looks down at leafy with a disgusted look. Confused, Leafy looks up at Firey with the crease of her eyebrows and the small frown on her face.

"What..? Since when did I..?" Leafy asked. She was confused. She didn't think she was perfect. She knew she was far from perfect, but she thought she was working on it. She thought everyone at least appreciated her efforts. Was that not the case? Firey begins adding weight to his feet, slowly crushing Leafy into the ground. She grunts in pain from the amount of force slowly being put on her.

"Even with your 'efforts' you still manage to hurt people. How? Beats me honestly. How about you answer that for us?" Leafy can see the smile on Firey's face.

"I-I get it! Change,- right? You- want change? I'll-I'll- change!" Leafy coughs out. She can feel her leafy texture beginning to stretch in her, but that didn't stop Firey from causing a murder scene.

"Oh, you're really gonna change? Are you serious right now?" Firey asked with a sassy tone. By then, people begin surrounding the two friends. BEEP, GABOP, LOSERS, and everyone else was here to witness her death. Will she even be recovered on purpose this time? Will they want to?

"Well since everyone's here, why don't you repeat that again?" Firey asked. With his foot on top of Leafy and the soft ground beneath her, the small sound of tearing paper echoed.

"Kyagh!" Leafy screams. The immediate pain she felt. She could feel each and every nerve of her screaming for the brain's help, for white blood cells to patch up the open wound, for help. Each and every nerve in her body was screaming at her brain asking for help. Her eyes said it all. 

But no one did. The more and more her body teared beneath Firey, the bigger his grin grew. 

"Come on! Tell them, Leafy! You'll change right!?" Firey shouted. He continued to push his feet on the now bloody body of Leafy. Leafy looks around with an exasperated look.

"Guys! I-promise! I-'ll change! I pro-promise! H-elp! Ple-ase!" Leafy breathily screamed. She was beginning to lose consciousness once again but with the presence of others. Everyone besides Firey looked at each other with skeptical looks, wording a couple of words Leafy's spotty vision couldn't comprehend. Was she really gonna die like this?

You honestly deserve this...

You stole Dream Island? You'll be seen as bad forever.

How dare you.


You're worth nothing anyways. This is the perfect apology.

Apologize for all you've done...


They all hate you. They all do...

Make it easier for them.

Laughing stock. 

You really think they would forgive you with your efforts? And even then, your efforts didn't even meet the minimum.


"Leafy!" Screamed Coiny. He begins shaking the leaf in his hands.

"Nmm...wha..?" Leafy drowsily woke up.

"Leafy! Oh thank glub you're alright!" Said Coiny. He lays Leafy on the ground and grabs a water bottle nearby.

"This is your bottle, right? It has water in it still. Wanna drink some?" Asked Coiny. 

"Uhh- I'm good..." Leafy shook her head lightly. Coiny notices the shake she had with her. He looks at her with concern.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Leafy hums in response.

"I'm fine...just a dream.." 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah..." Leafy ended the conversation with that. She pulls her knees to her chest and inhales the smell of pollen and wet grass. She exhales deeply. She does that a couple of times with each taking away her shakiness. Coiny stood up before pointing his thumb towards the plains.

"Well hopefully you recover soon. Four and X are gonna start the challenge..." Coiny explained. Leafy thanks him while he walks away. She then looks around with no intention of thinking of her location, but rather her dream. What was that? Did everyone really think that way about her? Dreams usually string to highly meaningful things. Was what she dreamed of something she has to pay attention to?

"...This is too much." Leafy says while standing up. She stretches a little bit before standing up. Maybe if she did the challenge, then maybe it wouldn't be as important. Besides, even if what her dream interpreted was true, she can change. She just has to know what to do in order to do so.

She knows she can change.

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