》ᴠᴏɪᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴꜱ-ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀɪᴇꜱ《

Start from the beginning

Both of them walked towards the corner where a feather and the same crystal ball was kept. The unknown figure took the feather in his hand and just touched the injured place of the soul, and with a twink of light, the place healed. No more scars, no more traces of blood.

The unknown figure caught a hold of the soul's extremely cold and wet hand? Wait water? With a shocked expression, the figure looked at the soul who stared lifelessly to his direction.

"I feel bad for this boy.." The unknown figure thought to himself before heading to place he was supposed to take the soul in a flash.

The place changed.

Now instead of a room, there was a surroundings made out of clouds? Okay that's fantastic.

"My Almighty, can you hear me?" The figure called out while the lifeless pale figure just stood beside him. Almost within a few seconds, a bright blinding light appeared from a corner, and with that the room becoming darker fully contrasting with the very white light from the corner.

"You called me Angelus?" A voice spoke up from the bright light while the figure termed as angelus almost immediately grand bowed to the voice while the soul remained statued on his position.

"Yes, my Almighty. We might have gotten the 7th soul who is not allowed to cross the bridge to afterlife. I have brought him with me."

And within a snap, light shone on the soul more like a spot light on the pale figure.

"7th soul? That's a pity. What's his earthly identity angelus? Does he remember?"

"Please give me a moment almighty."

Saying this, the figure with the halo turned to the soul and asked-

"Young Man may I know what's your name? Do you remember anything?"

"Name? What does that mean?" The pale figure stated still showing no specific emotions making the other shake his head before returning to carry out the conversation.

"My almighty, he doesn't remember his earthly memories, also to add to the point that he has not even an ounce of emotions left in him."

"Did you get his identity angelus?"

"That I did my almighty. Please allow to represent the whole thing."

"Permission granted."

The Angelus just nodded his head before summoning the magical crystal ball and that same silver light shining through before he said.

Name: Choi Soobin

Earthly age: 24

Reason of death: Not applicable to be revealed.

Date of death: 13 September, 2021.

Number of Reincarnations: 1st Life.

Disabilities: Hearing disability.

The Angelus paused for a second because he truly felt bad for the soul infront of him as he just sighed out heavily.

"I assume feeling sorry for the innocent soul Angelus?"

"You are right my almighty... Just a harmless and innocent soul. So sire should we send him back like the previous 6 souls too?"

"Yes. Send this child back to the earth with the same identity that he had alive to retrieve his memories and emotions. Only then he will be able to enter the afterlife."

"As you say my almighty."

And with that the darkened room lightened up along with the bright white light disappearing.

"You heard the Almighty young man didn't you?" The addressed just nodded as both of them appeared back to the previous room in a snap before angelus went back to his assigned place.

"Young man. Come here please."

So he did.

"120 days. You have only 120 days back in the earth along with this gemstone Opal. Here take this. And call me Angelus Jimin. Whatever you prefer."

"Are you always like this to all the souls that come here every time?" The soul asked. Angelus just chuckled before saying-

"Only to the 7 souls including you."

"7 souls?"

"Yes, you are the seventh soul to be sent back to earth like this. As far I know, now the 6th soul is fulfilling his mission on the earth."

"What's his identity?" Angelus Jimin now amusingly looked at the soul who was actually talking nicely not like that from the first time he appeared here.

"Apologies but sharing this information is strictly restricted here."

Angelus just saw the male nod his head making him chuckle but before that he got back to his serious self and said-

"Okay. No time to loose young man. Here take this gemstone Opal. Don't ever loose this. Be careful."

"May I ask what is this supposed to do?"

"It's your tracker."

The soul tilted his head meaning to ask "what type of tracker?"

"For your memories and emotions. The gemstone will glow the brightest when you have retained all of your wanted things, signalling the end of your life back in earth again at the end of 120 days."

Angelus waited for a moment to see if the soul reacts or says anything. But he didn't just making the latter hum.

"Okay. Stand here please."

Angelus asked him to stand at a marked place just beside the crystal ball. The soul did as he was asked.

"I grant you the access to go back to the earth as the 7th soul only for 120 days as the same human with the same identity you had in your earthly life. I wish you all the best young man."

With that Angelus swirled the feather from earlier around the soul's figure and lastly around the crystal ball summoning a bright blinding gateway back to the earth as the male disappeared leaving a trace of dust and a gush of wind.

"My job is done." Angelus Jimin now glanced at the sphere ball sighing softly.

I hope you will able to identify what really happened in your life.

Souls like you don't deserve this.

Fill up the void of memories & emotions.


I am Finally Back as I promised. A whole new world of story. Please note one thing that I might not be able to update very regularly because of my stressful academic life. But I will update as per my convenience. That's it. I hope you will like this as well.

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