Once we got the kids in their life jackets and explained the rules for boat safety, we were ready to go fishing. It became obvious to Sammy and I that the two of us probably weren't going to get much time to fish ourselves, what with helping the kids and all. Katie knows how to fish but she won't bait her own hook or take the ones she catches off the line so she still requires a bit of attention. Drew of course needed full time one on one since he had no clue what he was doing. Alex surprisingly agreed to fish and he even allowed my brother to give him some pointers.

All in all, we had a pretty great time and I would definitely call the outing a success. Between Alex and Sammy we actually caught enough fish to have a fish fry for dinner tonight. Despite bitching and moaning almost the entire time, it was obvious Alex enjoyed himself. Sammy made a big deal out of Alex catching the most fish, praising him profusely and telling him how proud he was of him. I made sure to do the same with the younger ones so they wouldn't feel neglected. Despite being the younger brother, sometimes Sammy can still teach me a thing or two.

Drew and Katie fell asleep almost as soon as we got them buckled in the car. I might have shut my eyes very briefly as well on the way home but not before I saw Alex texting some of his buddies the picture Sammy took of him with the biggest catch of the day, a seventeen inch large mouth bass. A real beauty indeed. Must of weighed around three pounds. I think that's the first time I've actually seen the kid smile. Thank goodness we got photographic evidence of that phenomenon because it may be a once in a lifetime event.

I let Amy know we were on our way home before I fell asleep so she was waiting for us when we arrived. Katie woke up as soon as Sammy cut the engine in the driveway. Little Drew was still out like a light. Amy came rushing out to meet us, looking extremely happy and refreshed and hopefully appreciative, if you get my drift, wink wink.

"So how was the fishing?" she asked excitedly, as we began piling out of the SUV.

"Unh," Alex grunted, eyes focused solely on his phone as he pushed past his mother. Baby steps I guess with this kid. I mean, I wasn't expecting any miracles but it was nice to see a bit of progress while we were out on the lake. A shining ray of hope breaking through his bleak, gray, cynical teenage persona for just a fleeting moment. Oh well, can't catch lightning in a bottle as my old man would say.

"Fine," Katie replied shyly, barely above a whisper, as she hurriedly followed Alex into the house.

"Ignore them. We had a great time, baby," I said, kissing her on the lips, Drew still knocked out cold in my arms.

"I can see someone did," she replied giggling, taking him from me so I could help Sammy unload the car.

"And your day of pampering isn't over yet. The kid's caught enough bluegill for us to have a fish fry tonight. You're gonna love the breading Sammy uses. Melts in your mouth like butter. Mwah," I said, kissing my fingertips. "Tres magnifique."

"Sounds fantastic, Sam. I can't wait," Amy laughed.

"Oh you haven't heard the best part, baby," I said, smiling big. "I'm gonna treat you to what will probably be the finest culinary dining experience you will ever have by making a batch of my county famous Cajun hushpuppies."

"Well, I better take this sleepy boy inside and start preparing my taste buds then." Amy stood on her tiptoes to give me a quick peck on the lips, patting Drew on the back as he briefly stirred from his peaceful slumber, quickly settling once again in her arms. "Is there anything I can do to help with dinner?" she asked.

"Nope, not a thing," Sammy said, closing the hatchback. "Dean and I will take care of everything. You won't have to lift a finger." Sam smiled brightly at my lady. "Except to get the fork up to your mouth, that is."

"Alright, boys. I will leave you to it then," Amy replied, heading into the house.

Sammy and I got all our gear squared away and then started preparing tonight's feast. We decided to eat out on the back patio since it was a nice mild night, weatherwise. Sammy fried the fish over the fire we had going in the fire pit. I made my killer hushpuppies and then threw together a pretty awesome potato salad, if I do say so myself. I made sure my woman's wine glass never went empty so she was in a VERY good mood. After dinner the kids each had Smores. Sammy and I took care of all the clean up while Amy got the younger two ready for bed. Alex retreated to his room, not to be seen again til his next meal.

When Sam and I were done doing the dishes and putting the miniscule amount of leftover food away, he headed down to the basement to retire for the night. Dinner was a hit with everyone. Us Winchester boys really outdid ourselves I thought, smiling smugly as I patted myself on the back. Before bed, I took a much needed shower, after which Amy greeted me lying on our bed, posing seductively in some very sexy black lacey lingerie. She then proceeded to show me all her appreciation for giving her the whole day to herself. All in all it was a really fucking good day.

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