Nightmare Moon

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The next morning, Blaze woke up with bandages around her arms and legs and turned over to see Silver sleeping peacefully.

 Silver woke up by the sun rays and noticed that his wife was wide awake.

"Morning, hon. How are you feeling," Silver asked.

"Feeling a little sore, but other than that I'm okay." Blaze replied.

They both got up from bed and started walking towards the living room where they saw me on the ground, covered in bandages, then Lloyd came out from the bathroom with a bucket of warm water.

"How's Y/n," Silver asked.

"She's okay. I think the cat instincts are out of her for now," Lloyd replied.

"Oh thank goodness," Blaze said in relief.

I woke up due to Blaze's talking and noticed the bandages all over my body.

"Why do I look like a mummy?" I asked.

"Because the cat instincts got in your head and your mom and aunt decided to call off the fight," Lloyd replied.

"I didn't hurt anyone right," I asked.

"No, you didn't." Silver replied.

We all gathered everyone for a family meeting for a special announcement that we should go to Equestria for the Summer Sun Celebration. 

 We headed to the portal room to activate the portal and we all arrived in Equestria. 

Equestria was very beautiful during the nighttime and I noticed a lot of ponies had gathered at the reception place for the big celebration.

"Guys, put on these black cloaks. These can hide our identities from the other ponies," I said as I passed the cloaks to the rest.

"Ok," The rest responded.

We walked inside of the reception and saw a familiar purple mist gathered around the balcony and revealed an evil alicorn mare.

We walked inside of the reception and saw a familiar purple mist gathered around the balcony and revealed an evil alicorn mare

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"Nightmare Moon," Twilight exclaimed.

"Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces," Nightmare moon said.

"What did you do with our Princess?!" Rainbow exclaimed in anger.

We looked over at what's happening. 

 Nightmare Moon is planning to make this nighttime eternal and we're not gonna let that happen. 

 We watched Twilight running from the reception all the way to her treehouse, so we decided to follow her in the shadows. 

 As we followed her inside of her treehouse, she started looking for the book about the elements of harmony in order to stop Nightmare Moon. 

 Rainbow Dash came out of nowhere and started asking Twilight some serious questions about what's going on until we all came out from the shadows.

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