Blaze's Ex returns

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I woke up the next morning and looked over at my body that was all smothered with honey and calendula. 

 I heard footsteps coming from the hallway and it was Tikal coming from Knuckles' room. 

 She took me to the bathroom and started running the water to wash off the honey from my head and body. 

After washing the honey off, the wounds are all healed up and my nose is not bleeding any more.

 She also told me that she wanted to join our mafia squad and she named herself as Ancient Wrath. 

During the day, me, Silver, and Blaze started to walk around the park for some fresh air and also decided to do some dance routines.

"So, should we do solos or just you two?" I asked.

"I think solos would be ok, right Hon?" Silver asked.

"Yeah, I think it'll be okay." Blaze responded.

We decided that Silver would go first and I put up "Love is Gone" on my phone. 

 While we're watching Silver dancing, Blaze was so mesmerized by his dance and she remembers the time where he danced contemporary for the first time on her birthday. 

 Some other people came to watch Silver dance and Blaze noticed a green eyed white cat coming closer to watch the dance. 

 As Silver finished dancing, the audience started clapping and it was my turn to dance.

I put up "Peek a Boo" on my phone and I started doing the hip hop routine. 

 During my dance routine, the audience started recording my dance and I started to feel suspicious about the white cat who was looking at Blaze. 

 After my performance, I told Silver and Blaze that we should dance to "How you like that". 

 They agreed to do the trio, so we started dancing to our hip hop routine. 

 Silver as Lisa, Blaze as Jisoo, and Y/N as Jennie

During our dance, the white cat set his eyes on Blaze and Silver mentioned to me that Blaze has broke up with her ex since high school, but I'm not so sure if the white cat is her ex.

After our performance, we were about to head to the beach until the white cat grabbed Blaze by the wrist. 

 I turned around and ran towards the white cat, and punched him in the face to make him lose his grip.

"Get away from my mommy, you predator!" I yelled.

Silver ran to me and Blaze and looked at the white cat who was on the ground in pain.

"Who are you and why are you trying to grab Blaze?!" Silver said in anger.

"My name is Fiyero and I just want to talk to her, that's it." The white cat responded.

My theory was right. 

 The white cat was actually Blaze's ex-boyfriend and I think that he still wants to be together with Blaze, but he didn't know that she and Silver are married.

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