Family Problems

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Credits to Silver The Hedgehog and subscribe to his channel!

In the evening, I was on the construction site, trying to stop Amy from chasing Sonic. 

 Everyone watched us from the bottom and it was not a good sight to see. 

 Sonic started screaming in fear as he was trying to run at full speed and the building started to get wobbly. 

 The rest of the others saw me, trying to keep my balance on this wobbling building and turned my head to the readers.

"Oh hi! You guys are probably wondering how Sonic and Amy got into this mess. I'll tell you all, but it had to be quick (gulps). Alright," I said.

The scenery changes from the construction site to the townhouse in Soleanna.

It all started when I was doing my own chores around the house and by the time when I was going to ask Amy if we can make cupcakes together, I heard arguing and yelling coming from her room.

 I put my ear closer to her door and heard Sonic's voice coming from there, and he sounded upset and scared. 

 I looked through the keyhole and I saw Amy forcing Sonic to go on a strict no chili dog diet and also hiting him multiple times! 

 I was mortified by the sight and I already knew that Sonic and Amy were already boyfriend and girlfriend, but for some reason Amy's behavior changed.

As Sonic walked out of Amy's room, he ran and hugged me tightly in tears.

 I led him to my room and he laid his head on my shoulder for comfort. 

 Silver and Blaze came into my room and their eyes laid on Sonic who was in tears. 

 He told them what happened and Blaze knew that Amy would become more possessive and controlling over him. 

 A few minutes later, I saw Amy making flower crowns with Cream and I knew it was the right time to tell her that we should do something together. 

 I walked over to Amy and Cream and Cream put the flower crown on my head, it really matches my hair.

"Auntie Amy, I was just wondering if we can make cupcakes together?" I asked.

Amy didn't respond to my question and Cream knew something was wrong with her. 

 Amy got up from her seat and walked over to me with an angry look on her face.

"Why are you asking me that?" Amy questioned.

"Because it is something that we should do together," I responded.

Amy scoffed in anger and walked away from the living room. 

 Cream looked at me, worried like she doesn't know what was going on with Amy and I told her what happened with her and Sonic. 

 Cream was horrified that I told her that Amy was hitting Sonic recklessly and she told me that she's going to keep distance from Amy 'cause she's worried that Amy's going to hit her as well.

 Around the time when we're about to go to sleep, I did my normal nighttime routine, and Sonic came inside of my room and he was holding his pillow and blanket.

"Hey, Uncle Sonic." I was greeted.

"Hey Y/N, can I sleep with you?" Sonic questioned.

"Sure, go ahead." I responded as I pat the left side of my bed.

He went to the left side of the bed and immediately went to sleep.

 I turned off the lights and immediately went to sleep. 

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