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It has been a few months since I've been reunited with my high school family. 

 They wanted to make up the lost time they have for me, so we started walking during the night time to stargaze. 

 Also if you're wondering what happened to my real family, BTS, they're retiring from their mafia duties and passed their leadership training to me. 

 I told the others that my family is retiring from mafia jobs and that's where the others did the unexpected. 

 What they did is that they decided to become my guardians for now on. 

 We all live together in our big townhouse in Soleanna and we have almost a better life until that crazy landlord was expecting everyone to pay rent every month, even though they don't even live in any rental properties. 

 I started walking towards the living room and saw Silver and Blaze making out!

"GAHH! Mama! Papa! GET A ROOM, YOU TWO!" I yelled as I covered my hands.

Silver and Blaze flinched as they saw me with my hands covering my eyes. They knew that they're kissing in front of me.

"Oh sorry, Y/N. We didn't know that you're here," Silver asked.

"That's ok, I just need to tell you guys something about that crazy landlord." I responded while scratching my head.

"Ok, what's wrong about that?" Blaze asked.

"Well, do you think that he's gone too far of forcing people to pay rent even though we don't even live in those properties?" I asked, confused.

"I don't know, Y/N. There's gotta be another way to stop him," Blaze responded.

The power cutted off in our townhouse.

"THE POWER BLOWS!" I yelled in anger.

Tails came out of his room.

"Guys, find some candles to give this house some light," He said.

We started running to look for candles and matches all over the house.

"How do you document real life, When real life is getting more Like fiction each day? Headlines -- bread-lines. Blow my mind and now this deadline, 'Eviction -- or pay' Rent!" I sang as I took out some candles from my closet.

"How do you write a song, When the chords sound wrong Though they once sounded right and rare? When the notes are sour, Where is the power? You once had to ignite the air," Sonic sang as he tried to fix the power box.

"We're hungry and frozen," I sang as I lit the candles.

"Some life that we've chosen," Sonic sang as he flinched at the sparks flying out of the power box.

"How we gonna pay? How we gonna pay? How we gonna pay Last year's rent?!" Sonic and I sang in unison.

"How do you start a fire, When there's nothing to burn? And it feels like something's stuck in your flue," Shadow sang.

"How can you generate heat, When you can't feel your feet?" Rouge sang.

"And they're turning blue!" Shadow and Rouge sang in unison.

"We'll light up a mean blaze!" Blaze sang as she shot out her flames into the trash can.

"With posters," Silver sang as he threw some random posters into the trash can.

Sonic and Y/N's mafia adventuresTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang