Finitevus and Lien-Da

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After we got back from Paris, Mighty and Sonia changed out of their wedding outfits and we all went to our rooms to sleep

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After we got back from Paris, Mighty and Sonia changed out of their wedding outfits and we all went to our rooms to sleep. 

 The next morning, we woke up and started doing our normal activities. 

 I went outside to walk around the park and also wanted to play on the swings or climb trees. 

 I was about to climb some trees when I felt the cold air coming towards me and saw 2 echinidas coming towards the fire garden. 

 I hid behind the trees and started shivering due to the cold breeze.

 The 2 echidnas started walking towards the park where I was in and I immediately started running towards the alley.

"What are they doing here? What are they here for?" I asked myself.

I peeked through the shadows and the 2 echinidas revealed to be Finitevus and Lien-Da!

"Let's just bring Shade back to our kingdom and make her stay at her tower, so that she'll never escape," Finitevus said, sinisterly.

"Brilliant! We just need to bring her to us, so that we can go back to our kingdom," Lien-Da said, sinisterly.

I was surprised by myself that they're here to get Shade and lock her up for escaping. 

 I have a feeling that they might be the stepparents.

 In a short amount of time, I ran back inside of the townhouse. 

 As I walked towards the couch to grab the blanket, Blaze looked at me with her arms crossed along with a heavy blanket in her arms.

"Y/n, what did I tell you about leaving the house without a jacket? You're going to get yourself a very bad cold," Blaze scolded as she wrapped the blanket around me.

"Sorry mom, I didn't know it's going to be this cold and you're not going to believe who I just saw at the park." I said.

"Ok, tell me." Blaze said.

"I saw Finitevus and Lien-Da at the park. There might be a chance that they're Auntie Shade's stepparents," I replied.

"What," She said, surprised.

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