Computer Virus

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After the whole shopping spree, me and the others went to the hotel not too far from the mall where we went for the shopping spree. 

 We got into our hotel room and started sleeping in our own bunk beds for the night until we heard a phone ringing. 

 I looked at the caller and it was Clover, so I decided to pick up the call.

"Clover, it's 1 in the morning," I said.

"Sorry about that, Y/n. I was wondering if you and your family can come over to the mall, so that we can hang out together. You know, for breakfast and lunch?" Clover asked.

"Sure, why not." I replied.

"Y/n, I thought I told you not to stay up late," Silver said.

"Sorry, papa. Clover called me this late and wanted to invite us for breakfast and lunch," I said.

"Ok, that's fine. But next time when someone tries to call you this late, ignore the call and call them back in the morning. I don't want you to get insomnia again like last time, ok?" Silver asked.

"Ok, dad." I said.

"Sure, we can join and call you tomorrow," I added as I hung up the call.

The next morning, I woke up from a good sleep and we all got ready to go meet up with the girls. 

 As we made it to the mall, Clover and Sam came to us with the big breakfast in their hands and we all sat down in the dining area. 

 We started eating breakfast until I saw Alex in a chicken suit, selling chicken legs which is weird.

"Sam, why is Alex in a chicken suit?" I asked.

"Because her allowance was a little low and she decided to get a job, even though she's not good with bosses," Sam replied.

"Oh, so that's why. I work as a massage therapist and I have no problems with bosses. I think it's better if Alex works as a massage therapist, I mean it can help her release stress," I suggested.

"Yeah, that could've helped," Clover commented.

"Hey guys, forgot to tell y'all. Me and Sonia are engaged," Mighty announced, happily.

"Wow, congratulations, Mighty! When did you propose to her," Sonic asked.

"It was during the shopping spree, bro," Sonia replied.

"Other than that, Congratulations guys!" I exclaimed.

We started talking about our previous adventures until we got swept away from the secret hatch under the table all the way to Jerry's headquarters.

"Hello guys and chicken," Jerry greeted.

We all started chuckling softly, not wanting to make Alex feel bad.

"Haha, very funny. Was that your joke of the year, Jerry?" Alex said, sarcastically.

"Guys, your mission will be to infiltrate an evil chicken farm," Jerry said.

We all started laughing at his joke while Alex was busy flapping her feathers. 

 Jerry told us about the influx of people disappearing and all being linked to the cyber cafe that is somewhere in the city. 

 He even gave us some gadgets for this mission as well. 

 We all went to the cyber cafe and it was incredibly empty with a lot of laptops. 

 Clover went over to one of the laptops and tried to put up the code until she saw a giant robotic spider jumped out of nowhere and was ready to pounce on her. 

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