The Granny

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The next morning, I woke up from a good sleep and looked at Lloyd, who was still sleeping. 

 I kissed him on the cheek and headed straight to the bathroom. 

 After I finished washing my face, I noticed that I have cat ears that are the same color as my hair and purple fur growing from my hands. 

 I was shocked by what's happening and tried to find a way to hide this from my family, so I grabbed a crochet hat and gloves to cover my head and hands. 

 I walked towards the kitchen to make some tea for Sensei Wu until Lanolin and Gadget noticed me making some tea.

"Morning Uncle Gadget. Morning Aunt Lany," I greeted.

"Morning," They greeted in unison.

"Lulu, why are you wearing a hat and gloves?" Lanolin asked.

I looked away because I'm too scared to tell them, but I know that I can't lie either otherwise it'll become a big problem.

"Lulu," Lanolin asked.

I took a breath and revealed my new cat ears to Gadget and Lanolin.

"Woah, what about your hands?" Gadget asked.

I removed my gloves and revealed my purple furry hands to them.

"Oh geez!" Lanolin exclaimed.

"I know! I have hedgehog quills, a cat's tail, purple fur, and cat ears! Can this transformation get any worse!?" I exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Lulu. Uhhh, just try to stay calm. We'll get your parents," Gadget said as he and Lanolin ran off to Silver's room.

I immediately grabbed the blanket from the couch and wrapped it around my head and body to cover up my new features as I went back to my tea-making.

 A few minutes later, Gadget and Lanolin brought Silver and Blaze to the kitchen and saw me covering myself with a blanket.

"Baby, are you alright?" Blaze asked.

"Mom!? Dad!?" I exclaimed as I tried to cover my features with a blanket.

"Y/n, it's okay. Just tell us what happened," Silver said, reassuring.

I showed them my new cat ears and my hands that are covered in purple fur. 

 They're shocked by what's happening to me and try to console me as much as they can. 

 Lloyd came to the scene and he was shocked as well.

"Honey, try to stay calm ok? You're not the only hybrid in the family," Lloyd said as he hugged me.

"What do you mean," I asked.

"I'm a oni/dragon/human hybrid," Lloyd replied.

"What," I said, surprised.

"I have a longer lifespan than any human and when your family gave me and the others immortality, it made me live a lot longer than I expected. I have two different bloods, Oni and Dragon. I'm able to cope with environments that are plagued by Oni and make dragons to become more docile towards me," Lloyd stated.

"How come you didn't tell me," I asked,

"I was afraid that you'll break up with me, knowing about my traits," Lloyd replied.

"I was thinking about the same thing too," I said.

"Guys, we should head to the campus to see what the girls are up to," Scourge yelled from the bedroom.

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