I kissed his cheek and looked at him. "I'm not mad at you. Can never be."

Theo's face morphed into surprise first then a sweet smile. I pull away from him started heading out of the house. Before leaving the room I pause and look back.

"Oh also-no one's mad at you anymore. They're just playing you by pretending", I uncaringly snitched.

Theo's frowned looking at others and before he could say anything protests began.

"Oh come Leah!"

"You had to?"

"I was having so much fun!"

"There goes my plan to earn some guilt gifts."

I shake my head, a small smile on my face as I wave at Papa and Uncle Rowan who were laughing, signalling I'm leaving for school.

"Brody for fuck sake WAKE UP!", Troy yelled.

I hear someone fall of the chair and groan loudly. "Alright! Hold your horses! Coming!", Brody grunted.

We soon enough leave for school. My first act after entering the grounds was to look for my friends before first period. I fortunately found them within minutes at the lockers.

"Hey", I greeted them.

A moody noise escaped Taylor in return. Pam weakly waved her hand and Sky smiled sadly.

"Wow. Happy morning to you all", I announced sarcastically.

"How can this morning be happy? I have never been more stressed in my life. Not even when we were getting the results back on that math test-which I totally failed", Pam whines.

I sighed. "Atleast I'm not the only one."

"Ugh!", Taylor kicks the wall frustratedly. "If that bald headed old man we have as an excuse for a principal doesn't meet us today and discuss our goddamn football issue like a man I'm going to ruin his already 'hanging by the thread' marriage and make sure he loses all his money!"

"Hell yeah", Pam cheers in support while Sky grimaced.

Today is the last day our team can register for the championship league and we still haven't got the green light from the principal or the coach. Well coach says it's upto the principal to make this decision after all he needs to approve the funds.

We've been trying to arrange a meeting with the principal and he's conveniently dodging us all the time. His secretary is this close to murdering us. Well...we are too.

It's all kinds of bullshit excuses he uses to get out of the meeting. Sometimes it's his old people health problems, or he's out of town, or the classic; my pet dog's dead- which excuses him from coming to school.

Taylor being the team captain has already tried everything she can (including barging into the principal's office) and yet she hasn't been able to see him. This one last attempt is to get the whole team together and protest outside his office until he agrees to meet us.

By the whole team I mean, just Tay, Pam and I. The others don't want to get into trouble, though they'll sincerely pray for us. Sky agreed to come for moral support.

So if today doesn't go as we anticipate then surely we will initiate plan 'B' which is to ruin the principal's life. Getting thrown out of the school as a consequence will be worth if it comes to that. Infact... it'll be a heroic end of my school journey.

Who am I kidding? Dad will disown me without hesitation and Papa will kick me out of the house for doing that. *Sigh*

Probably uncle Rowan will come to my rescue and give me shelter. He loves me too much to let me die on the streets. Besides I also have Grace as an option. I could fly to Paris and live with her- provided she agrees to take me in.

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