9. The Note

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I went back and sat on the couch. That had been totally weird. First Tyler had questioned me on my loyalty to him, and then he had tried to seduce me. What was going on? I think he was trying to hold onto me for as long as possible. He was still suspicious of James, even though I had told him that it was nothing. He probably knew me well enough to know when I was lying. This was all too confusing. Tyler was usually the sensitive nice guy. What had he heard about the guy I was with? James kind of had that bad-boy vibe. Was Tyler trying to mimic that, if he had heard anythingabout James? Tyler was the nice guy here, and he would do anything to keep me with him. Did he just want to keep me for himself? That was the way relationships were supposed to work though, unless you were in my horrible situation.

I then remembered the text I had received from James. I took my phone from my pocket and checked the message again.

Go to your room

I re-read it. The text had been received around ten p.m., and the time now was almost midnight. I pondered the message for a moment. Then rushed into my room.

It was dark. I switched on the light, and there was nothing. I was confused for a moment. I had been told to come up here. Then I saw that my window was cracked opened. Cool air blew through it, moving my curtains. I pushed them aside to see a note taped to the glass. It was on a sheet of plain paper, written in bright orange ink. The note read in the neatest print, “You Missed Me”.

James, I thought. He had been in my room, waiting for me to come upstairs, but I hadn’t. What did he think? Did James know that another person had been here? My real boyfriend! What he had done was so risky, if he had seen me with Tyler. Everything would fall apart right there. I had to talk to him. What if he had known, and that’s why he left? But he would not have left me a note if he had found out about Tyler. It was getting too late to start making decisions now. It was too late. I had to get up early for school, so I got ready for bed, trying not to think about all that had happened and all that could happen. I turned off my light and dozed off to sleep.

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