I shake my head in disbelief. "I can't believe you're actually defending him right now..." I let out trying to keep my breathing under control. "I am not defending him, young Elemental. I told Breeze, expecting him to tell you. At the same time, I understand his resonance as to why he didn't." The Grand Master answers as he walks around the table and sits down at the edge of it, right in front of me.

"Elemental Blaze, the power that you wield is very big and very powerful. Through the element, I have noticed the amount of power you have. I will even go as far as telling you that it is far greater than mine was at that point." My entire body is shaking. I gulp louder several times a minute because I suddenly feel like I'm in this huge vacuum. I've got nothing to hang on to anymore. At first I had my sister, but then I lost her and found Breeze and Senior Pool. Now Senior Pool is dead and Breeze...I don't know about him anymore. I find myself at the very brink of asking myself if I can trust anyone at this point.

"Elemental, you can trust me." I suddenly hear as I snap out of my thoughts. "Be watchful, young Elemental. Don't fall for his tricks!" A voice suddenly shoots in and I hold to my head for a moment as the Grand Master bends down in front of me. "Listen to me, Blaze. You wield a power too big for you to control on your own. Senior Pool didn't get far in helping you, he hardly had the knowledge to ever be able to do that, but I can. I have the same element. I've faced the same problem. I see myself in you, Blaze. My element would've consumed me had I not learned to control it. I would hate to see it consume you."

The sad part right now is that Grand Master Vulcano is the only one that can actually convince me of anything right now. "Keep your guard up, Blaze! This man cannot be trusted! He's going to use you if you don't stop him!" I keep holding firmer to my head and bend forward. "Blaze..." The Grand Master goes on as I'm rocking myself back and forth. These other voices are wearing me out. I can't take it anymore! "There are voices in my head...it's too m-much..." I almost let out in a sob as he places his fingers on my temple. After a while, the voices go away.

I'm about to thank him when he shakes his head. "Don't thank me, Elemental. Those are very possessive voices. They will return, but I will do my best to keep them out. Ultimately that means that I have to be inside your head every once in a while." I simply nod because this is about the only form of protection that I've got right now.

"Now, regarding what happened in the hallway, as far as I know: only you, Breeze, Storm and I know about it." I nod slightly. "I'm pretty sure Breeze doesn't want any more people to find out about it, and on that, we are all on the same page. You lost control, but I know it won't happen again." He goes on as I look up at him. "B-But I killed him." I let out. "And I'm sorry to say that he won't be your last. The first one is the hardest." He goes on as my hands are shaking by the thought of what I did. "What's going to happen to him...I mean about what happened?"

"Let me worry about that. The most important thing is that you recover and that you regain control over yourself." He answers in a sigh...or what I think is one. "I have a suggestion for you, one that I rarely propose to any Elementals. In fact not even to Seniors or Super-Seniors..." He goes on as I look up at him. "And what is that?" I ask as I'm about to look into his eyes when a voice shoots in. "Don't!" The Grand Master notices the voice's presence and it disappears before I even feel that it's there. "I can among other things teach you a stronger defense of your mind than what you've got now." He answers. "What else?" I ask. "Control..."

I take a deep breath to myself as I find myself in a lot of doubt about this. Breeze and I came with the intention of figuring out his real agenda with everything, but things have changed. Pool is dead, Breeze has been lying to my face for the last two months, and the person I least expected to be of any help, the one Breeze and I came to figure out in the first place, is the only one to offer me any sort of help and advice. My head is a complete mess. The Grand Master even seems to know that when I look up at him.

"Do I have a choice or...?" I can't even form the rest of the sentence. I'm just too damn tired. "I might be many things, young Elemental, but dictator is not one of them. This is an offer, which you are free to accept or decline, but I assume you want to control your emotions even more than you currently are. My time is precious, but I'm offering you a piece of it now that Senior Pool is gone." My head and my gut are pulling me in two different directions. My gut tends to be right, but my head is also right at the same time. I don't know which one to follow.

"Take a couple of days and come back to me with an answer." He goes on as he gets up and walks back behind the desk. "Hopefully there'll be no more incidents between now and when you come back..." He goes on. I nod weakly. I really need this. "Okay...thank you." He shakes his head slightly. "No need for that. Get back to your quarters and get some rest. Tomorrow is a new day with fierce training. I'd like to see you awake and energized..." He answers as I nod weakly, and walk out of the room.

Grand Master Vulcano:

Master Storm walks in to the room moments after Blaze has left. I sit there rather pleased with my progress with her. She's already starting to doubt Breeze and I didn't have to do much to keep pushing that. Gradually I will see her leaning more and more to me than anyone else. She already is. I can sense it. Despite of my brother's attempts to turn her to his side about what I am and what I do, he failed. He captured Breeze, but not Blaze. She's partly on the fence, but I will manage to tip her over to my side eventually.

"You took your time with her..." Storm suddenly says as I snap out of my thoughts and turn my head towards him. Sometimes he does forget our relation when we're in the system. I get up on my feet and sigh deeply before I look at him distinctively as he looks at me. "Watch it..." I warn him as I walk up and stop right next to him. "How did it go with the boy?" I then ask as we both stare down at the empty training-center. "A certain Senior interrupted our conversation, but he knows everything. The kid...he knows Senior Pool is dead and he knows that you manipulated her into doing it...as a matter of fact, he saw it."

I take a deep breath as he looks over at me. He's less than pleased with the situation...or the Senior in question more to the point. "My brother left some seeds in that boy and they are growing strong inside of him..." I let out deep in thought. "Please, let me take care of that Senior. He's getting on my nerves, Vulcano." I put my arms in a cross. Things are way more complicated than what I would've liked. "In time, Storm, in time..."

A/N: Finally an update. I'm SO SORRY it has taken me this long. I just couldn't manage to figure out the set-up of this chapter and then exams got to my head and my wolf-story as well. I'm gonna TRY and keep this consisent :)

Elementals II: Prophecies (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now