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Freen's PoV
I entered the hospital where Becky was. Nop told me on the phone. I was dipping with blood when I came to the hospital room. I was holding Fon in my hands and my shirt was covered with blood.

As I entered the room I saw Becky wake up just now and she was so surprised to see me like that. Mom came towards me and said "Freen what is this and who is she. Who have you killed?"

I just bowed my head. Becky sat and mom made her sit I went towards her but she said "Stop Freen I don't want to hear you nor speak to you. I hate you and you can't see my baby."

I said by sitting on the ground crying hard "I'm really sorry Becky but someone was playing game with my life and they wanted to kill me and those who are belonged to me. So I made you far from me. The photos you received was sent by Kirk. And I done it on a purpose so that you avoid and start to hate me."

Becky was bit surprised even mom. Nurse came in with the baby. Mom took it. Becky was already crying so I said "I'm really sorry Becky."

Fon who was standing beside me hid herself behind my legs and said "Aunty I want mom when will she come back?."

I had no answer for that. Mom said "Freen well is she Sarah's daughter why is she here? Where is her mom?"

I said while sobbing "Mom Sarah is no more." And I started to cry. Becky's face changed and mom made baby sleep in the baby bed and said "Freen say the whole thing."

I was working on who might have done this. As I was thinking I realised one thing that Sarah does love me until now and she is being tortured by someone even her daughter is not in a good condition.

As I did research on it for a whole month the day before yesterday I came to know the truth that Sarah's husband Brick was behind it. He loves Sarah but when he came to know that Sarah was married to him by force and Sarah loved someone else which is me he wanted to kill the person she loved.

Even though Sarah did say that she has forgotten me it was really hard for her. So he forced her one night and so Fon was born. When I came to know the truth I literally cried and wanted to kill that basted and save Sarah from him. But as I went to her home yesterday night to talk to her calmly.

I thought her husband was out of station so I could talk to her personally. I called her to a restaurant where I was waiting for her. She finally came and I asked her everything. She just nodded her head and said "Freen it's true Brick is the person who wants to make your life hell. I always try to stop him so he beats me. I'm really sorry Freen I'm really a bad person. I wanted to say you earlier when I met you in the hospital but you had already moved on in your life. So I just wanted to protect you. But now a day after you came back he even started to blackmail me with my daughter. After saying this to you I know I'll be killed but Freen can you please take care of my daughter I request you."

My eyes were already tearing. I said "No Sarah nothing will happen to you don't worry I'll try to protect you."

As I said those words I heard gun shots and Sarah was already on the ground. My eyes teared up. I went near her she said "Freen please take care of Fon she is in this location." She showed a location on her phone.

I couldn't save her nor do anything. But I saw brick there he was coming towards me. My gun was dropped somewhere so he came very near to me and held his gun to my head. I was completely black and didn't know what to do.


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