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Finally time passes and now Nop arrived Becky was already ready she wore a long loose shirt and jeans. I was watching her she looked like 3year old kid. I stood and put on a hoodie. I walked with them to the car. I sat in front with Nop because I was mad at Becky.

Becky said "Oh stop sulking Freen its your mistake."


She said "Then sit beside me."

I nodded and went to the back seat. Nop laughed at my situation again. Oh why do I have to be in this situation.
We went to the theatre and movie started. Initially it was funny but after a while a ghost came I got so scared I held Becky's hand tight and hidden myself under her neck.

She said "Freen I'm watching don't disturb me better you also watch ghost is so cute see."

I looked at the picture it was so scary how could it be cute to her. Oh she is scaring me. Finally interval came I went out to the restroom. She came behind me. I washed my face and came out.

She said "Oh Freen you look good today."

I got angry. I said "Becky stop teasing me. I'm not watching the second half I already had a heart attack."

She said "Its your punishment and you have to watch no reasons."

I said "No Becky I can't handle it anymore."

She said "what if I give you a kiss as a reward for watching."

My eyes lit up oh its a great offer. I nodded like a baby.

She said "Ok after the movie a kiss for my love."

I then hugged her hand and we went inside. I didn't watch the movie but Becky she was so involved in the movie that she didn't bother me. So I enjoyed watching her.

I was waiting when it would end and I'll get something sweet to my lips 😋.
After a while movie ended and I sighed . I was so happy not because movie ended but because I would get a sweet kiss 😘.

After we came out Nop bought the car from the parking lot and I said excitedly "Come on now give me my reward."

She said "Have patience my love lets go home first."

I sulked again and said "no I want it now."

She said "I'll give you more if its in home."

Again my eyes lit up and I agreed. What is that more is it another kiss or... oh again freen calm down. After a while we reached home. We went to our room and Becky locked the door and said "Now close your eyes for your reward."

I went excited. Now I'm going crazy I closed my eyes. She kissed my cheeks. Then my lips. Ha I wanted more. She started to remove my hoodie. I still kept my eyes closed. I didn't wear a shirt inside.

I was now left with my bra. She then slowly touched my belly. I opened my eyes but she was just seeing my wounds. Oh shit I was thinking more again I guess.

She said "Freen I think you're wound is completely healed."

I sighed and said "oh yes."

She then went to sleep. I didn't wear by hoodie back. I just went and slept beside her covering myself with blanket. She said "Freen wear something."

I said "No"

She said "why are you mad. I already gave you the kisse."

I said "No I'm not mad I'll just not wear anything I'm not feeling to."

She nodded I turned my back to her and she started to wrap her hands around my bare waist. I could feel the heat. Oh god just stop this fucking feeling.

I just sighed and closed my eyes.


Injustice Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt