" You okay, Scott?" She asked trying to peak so she could see his stomach but Scott quickly covered it.

Seeing him let out a shaky breath, Stiles looked at him in worry and shook his head.
" We shouldn't have come. I knew it. We shouldn't have come."

" We had to." Scott said arguing back.
" There's safety in numbers." He told them.

" There's also death in numbers, okay? It's called a massacre or bloodbath, carnage, slaughter, wow..that's..-" Stiles said swiping on his tablet as he rambled to himself making Y/n let out an annoyed sigh rubbing her head.

Scott let out a small groan as he listened to Stiles rambling but Stiles quickly stopped noticing his groans.
" All right, Scott, I'm telling Coach that.."

" No, no, no. I'm alright." Scott said grabbing his arm stopping him.

" You don't look alright, Scott." Y/n said worrying as she looked back at him but Scott only shook his head.

" Just let me see it?" Stiles said reaching for Scott shirt but Scott immediately pushed him away.

" I'm okay." Scott said looking towards his two best friends trying to reassure them.

" Just let us see it, okay?" Y/n said with a soft voice eyeing his shirt begging him to let them help.

Scott looked back at her sighing nodding his head giving in and slowly reached for his shirt and lifting it up revealing two claw marks by his waist.

Y/n stared at his torso seeing it covered in blood and sighed before looking back towards Scott.
" You said it was healing." Y/n said glaring at him as she stared at him.

" It is. But it's because it's from an Alpha. It'll take longer to heal." Scott said lowering down his shirt and sitting back on his seat.

" How come Boys and Isaac are fine them?" Stiles said pointing towards the two werewolves sitting a few row away from them.

" It shouldn't take this long..." Y/n said looking back at Stiles as they glanced towards the injured werewolf as he stared out the window ignoring them.

" I can't believe his dead..." Scott suddenly said making Y/n's heart skip a beat. No one dared to say it but they knew it happened. They just were too afraid to admit it.
" I can't believe Derek's dead."


Y/n had received a text from Scott telling her how he knew where Deucalion and his pack were. He wanted her to join him and help him. Y/n didn't know what to do at first. She stared at that text for 10 minutes trying to decide what to do. She was afraid but she had promised Scott that she would help him, no matter what.

So now, here she was standing in front Derek's door next to Scott as she anxiously waited for him to open it.
" You're nervous.." He said making Y/n look up to him and let out a nervous laugh.
" You can go home if you want..Alan wouldn't want you here anyways after what happe-"

" Just shut up and open the door. I'm not changing my mind." Y/n said taking a deep breath. Scott let out a chuckle and opened the door stepping inside with Y/n following behind.

"I know where they are." Scott said stopping noticing how they were all surrounding the table looking up to them.

" Same building as the Argents, we know." Derek said looking up to them.

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