Chapter 13

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The Gozanti cruiser  was flying through Mandalore space . On board it had a mass of Beskar - the metal used to create Mandalorian armor - Beska'gram . In addition, they had a mass of crates with blasters , armor and thermal grenades. They had to be extra careful. 

In the last few weeks there have been attacks on convoys departing from Concordia - the moon of the planet Mandalore . The governor of the moon is Samuel Rami , who oversees the mining of beskar . He works with Governor Gar Saxon - the leader of the Saxon clan . When Rami learns that his convoys are under attack , he goes into a rage - no matter how much he would give people or arm them heavily , he always lost the goods .

An unknown clan ruled by an unknown Mandalorian attack the covoy with good and strong precision - they know when and where the convoy will be . They use knowledge of space to plan attacks . Rami has had to research the loyalty of the clans to the Empire many times . The clans have always confirmed their loyalty positively . He investigated the presence of a mole in the ranks of his people but to no avail - he was heartily sick of it . He will soon have to ask the Inquisition or Lord Vader himself for help . 

Lieutenant Lanter as always during the flight watched the stars , constellations of stars - it always calmed him . He ordered his men to prepare for the worst , and the pilots to speed up more - the enemy can attack from any moment . While observing the luminous points in the starry sky , Lanter was approached by junior officer Eckstein .

"Sir" She began " General Talbot wants to talk to you".

"Put me through to him." He ordered. He turned toward the holo-table . A middle-aged man appeared on the hologram - he had brown eyes , a mustache that matched his face , hair cut only on the sides . His face was serious - very serious .

"Lieutenant Lanter" -  Talbot turned to him - "How is the transport of our resources going?"

"Quite well sir . In a few hours we will be over Concord Dawn. " Lanter informed him. A look of disgust appeared on Talbot's face.

'Quite well? What the hell does that mean Lieutenant? I don't have the phrase 'Quite well' in my vocabulary. It is supposed to be perfect , excellent or great. I would like to remind you , that in your space there are numerous attacks on our convoys . These terrorists think that they can attack us . Such a fuck! , we will show them that they are wrong , I will fucking show them ." 

"With all due respect General , but I have repeatedly asked the command for support but have always been denied . If I have to stop the Mandalorians from attacking the convoy then I ask for more firepower ," Lanter said . Talbot looked at him - he looked like someone yelled at him . He straightened his face and changed his approach to the conversation.

"I have a plan lieutenant. Your requests have been heard . Fly your designated course - if they attack I have a surprise for them . Talbot out. " The General hung up. Eckstein walked closer to Lanter.

"What now sir?" She asked. The lieutenant let out a breath.

"I don't know," he said . Then an alarm went off on deck.

"Sir! Mandalorian ships have come out of hyperspace. What orders?" Asked one of Lanter's subordinates. The lieutenant looked at him.

"Activate all defense systems. Gather the people at the entrance - we will not allow them to enter here . Put the other areas on high alert . Have the technicians delete all files - they can't find out about our plans" Lanter gave him the orders. The junior officer nodded.

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