Chapter 8

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Coruscant, according to the Animus, is the most urbanized planet in the galaxy, called its capital due to the fact that for millennia it housed the seat of successive governments. It was entirely covered with buildings. In a word - a metropolis planet . It was here that Matteo Shepard's first target was located - Admiral Arion Rampart - a great idiot and war criminal . Today he will answer for his sins . 

Matteo landed his ship in a specially hidden place , so that the authorities of the Empire or others did not see his Haulcraft . After shutting down the engines and systems , he hooked up Rosalia to an earpiece , to help him . After doing so , he went to the hangar to leave in a Yamaha Enforcer speeder bike  and head towards the Federal District . 

While driving , Matteo replayed his plan in his head . He wondered if everything would go according . He thought through every scenario that could or might arise during his assignment . Rosalia added her ideas , with which Matteo agreed . After thinking through the plan , Matteo Lorien Shepard arrived at the place.

 Matteo hid the speeder behind the garages and went to the apartment that once belonged to Senator Nica Rosė Mitsov - the assassinated senator and mother of Sera Lynn Madreth , who would get white fever and kill Shepard for what he uses her late mother's house for . Matteo opened the door with a code and went inside going straight to the bedroom.

Upon reaching the bedroom , Matteo lifted the mattress , to take a dark green large box with a republic sign . He opened it and saw a bow with beskar arrows , an AWR sniper rifle in red and silver , DC-15s blasters , flash grenades and a combat knife . He put the bow on the first arm , the sniper rifle on the second arm , gave the blasters under his arm and put the knife in his belt . After taking the equipment he hid the boxes back under the bed . He then left the bedroom , went to the kitchen , took a martini and a key from the garage and left the apartment by locking it . 

Matteo went to the garage of the late senator . He opened the garage door and saw two cars . A modified Porsche 915 Spyder in red metallic and a good old Aston Martin DB5 coupe in shiny silver . Matteo opted for the German convertible . He approached the vehicle , opened the door , took the keys from the glove box , put them in the ignition and turned the key . The German engine roared from the exhaust pipes . Matteo lowered the manual , gave his foot to the gas pedal and drove out of the garage closing the garage door behind him . He left the garages and hit the road . 

Matteo headed toward the Imperial Army building - that's where the Arion Rampart was - a walking Imperial abomination . He had few kilometers of road left . He drove fast and dangerously . He overtook other speeders on the road . On Earth he would have broken every traffic rule , and he only has a license to kill and not a license to break traffic rules . To speed up his way to his destination he pressed the button responsible for lifting the vehicle up and extending the repulsors and retracting the wheels . The Porsche began to levitate above the ground and then completely flew off the road , Matteo accelerated more with the Spyder and headed towards the building. 

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