Chapter 5

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After leaving the bar , Matteo and Senator Riyo Chuchi went by speeder to a special landing pad , where Riyo's ship was . Matteo looked at the atmosphere and buildings of the galactic capital . Large silver buildings , and speeders flew past them , which flew in different directions . The view reminded him of the Presidium located on the Citadel - a huge multicultural space station . Except that the Presidium was white and surrounded by greenery . Further on, he saw from afar the Jedi Worlds or rather the Imperial Palace - for this is now the name of the new headquarters of Emperor Palpatine - the Sith who fulfilled the Sith's thousand-year plan to destroy their eternal enemies - the Jedi. Shepard looked down with sadness . He could not believe that the users of the light side of the Force had been so beastly betrayed . 

Riyo meanwhile was browsing something on the holonet . Earlier , from her own pocket , she had to transfer a lot of money to repair the hyperdrive and for a mysterious person named 'Rex' . During the flight , Chuchi was writing a retirement bill for the clones . She hoped that what she wrote would be worthwhile .

Finally the speeder arrived at the airstrip . It landed next to Mrs. Senator's ship . The first to come out were the guards . They grabbed their GL-77 blasters being prepared for any danger . Recently Senator Chuchi was attacked by a mysterious assassin ( who turned out to be a clone) . Unfortunately, two of the guards were killed by the assassin. After this whole affair, Riyo got two more guards from Notluwiski  Papanoida . Pantora's leader offered two more but Chuchi refused , claiming that additional protection was overkill. 

Then Matteo and Riyo came out . The bodyguard spotted the ship . It was a white shuttle with gold decorations . On the right side it had a new sign of the new galactic order . In the distance could be seen the mechanics , who checked that everything was in order with the machine . Riyo , Matteo and the guards came closer . One of the mechanics approached them . 

"The hyperdrive is already repaired . We checked to see if the other parts of the ship were okay . " The mechanic said.

Riyo paused patting at her datapad and looked at him .

"Did the money go into your account?"

"Yes it did hit," he answered " If anything , the inspection of the ship is free."

"Thank you " Riyo said . The mechanic nodded and left . He called his people . They went to their speeder and left . Riyo and the rest of her people went aboard the senatorial shuttle .

They were all aboard the shuttle . The guards went to their quarters . Riyo led Matteo to a room for a companion during the trip . When , they arrived they stood in front of the door 

"This is your room . Sleep or something " Then she left and headed toward the flight deck . Matteo opened the door . The room was white , in the right corner was a bed , and next to it was a small dresser also the same color as the room . Matteo approached the bed , He began to take off the elements of his armor . He gave the dismantled armor to the corner . He felt a sense of relief and a gentle chill , maybe because the room was cool ? He then closed his eyes and gave himself over to the embrace of Morpheus . 

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