ball part 2

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As the world stoped spinning I realized we were standing just outside of the tree and I heard me and my friends coming our way. I spun around to Papa fast. "Papa that's me coming this way." I hissed at him in a panic. Daddy grabbed me up while Papa pulled out his wand. When we were under the tree Papa quickly spelled us with something similar to a dissolution. "Papa I still see you. It didn't work." My panic was still rising as I hissed truly frightened.

"Shhh bug it's okay it's meant so we can it's a different spell." He whispered to me as he smoothed my hair. "Everything will be fine." Severus you should carry him as we leave so I can maintain this. Daddy quickly picked me up covering my eyes as I heard me and Draco come under the tree.

After a few more minutes I was set down and my eyes released. "Better now hunny?" I nodded to him feeling much better in the empty corridor. "Okay we need to head to the chamber and prep see you soon love." Daddy spoke to Papa giving him a kiss on the cheek. But I stopped him before he could leave. Giving him a hug. He hugged me right back.

"After that I've decided your mind is worth it's salt. Your good enough for my daddy." I said quietly. He chuckled at me for that. Giving me a kiss to the crown of my head. Before he pulled away leaving.

As we headed down into the chamber I stopped us and asked daddy to let me cast a scent blocking spell on him. He gave me a curious look but allowed it. "Does the chamber smell that badly hunny?" I shook my head no.

"No but Sirius is down here and he can stink pretty bad sometimes." I explained while simultaneously warning him he would be present. Seeing the angry look on his face I asked nicely. "Daddy he tried to help protect me and mummy please don't be rash. And after he talked some stuff out with me and Remus he's different. A whole new Sirius give this guy a chance please?!" I said knowing full well Sirius and Remus would have heard every word we said.

Daddy pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance but did sigh. "Fine but if he's an ass I take no responsibility for my mouth." I nodded quite pleased with this outcome. He wouldn't be able to scent them out as his mates just yet but would be able to give them a chance.

When we came into the anti chamber Sirius was sitting at the dinning table with Remus looking nervous. He stood promptly and walked over. "Hello, I um... This is for you." He started awkwardly as he handed over a small package and the letter. "Thought you may like a light snack before you rest a bit. Big night right him coming back and all." He was clearly flushing a bit I could tell daddy's scent was enticing him.

Daddy looked at the package in irritation for a moment before he tucked it away. He gave a sharp nod before heading to the table. He sat as far from the seat Sirius had occupied as possible. So I dragged Sirius over and sat him at a different seat with myself between them. Daddy looked at me in shock but I gave him a determined look. To which he just sighed in resignation. Sirius squirmed in his chair as we all started to eat the light meal before we got up and went to the extra bed area.

"Remy please wake us in two hours. We have to prepare the main chamber for all that needs done." Daddy asked clearly try to ignore Sirius's presence. "And Sirius if you prank us in our sleep you'll pay for it." He then stood up heading for the extra bed area.

I waited for him to be out of range before I told him. "All things considered it could have been worse. I'm sure he'll at least keep an open mind when he reads your letter. Daddy is stubborn but he's also understanding." He nodded solumly giving me a side hug and weak smile. I stood then and headed in to cuddle with daddy.

When Remy woke us up I stood still a bit groggy. "Coffee black." I asked Daddy gave a soft gunt of agreement. "Sally coffee black two." I grumbled as Remus chuckled at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09 ⏰

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