first date

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I had actually managed to hide for a week. I had also put my door plack back on my door and put my furniture back in spelled to the hilt. Anyone that wasn't family would see was a storage room. Daddy and Papa had to take turns cuddling with me because I missed Draco so terribly. And our date was just the next day. When a knocking was heard at the door I sat up.

Daddy went to answer it. Then opened it allowing a flock of girls in a long with Cedric and Victor. "We came for a sleepover." Hermione announced beaming at me before giving a questioning look at Papa.

"This is daddy's alpha mate. My Papa." I introduced and explained. "If it's a sleepover where's the rest of the boy's?" I asked seeing as they were mostly girls.

It was Luna who answered in a dreamy state. "The other boys are having a sleepover with Draco. He's scared you won't show up for the date. I told him that simply isn't going to happen but he doesn't listen." I smiled at her very happy. Nuzzling Papa's neck before getting up I was quickly brought into a group hug.

"Key us in and take us to your room dork!!" Pansy demanded in exasperation. Dragging me up the hallway. I let her laughing the whole time. "Honestly hiding from Draco for a week is one thing but us to?!" She chided me.

"I blame the French. I stated besides wouldn't have made it a week otherwise. And I do always try to keep my promises." I informed the group as I keyed them into my room. Flur laughed loudly at my blame. Once everyone was in my room I noticed it was a bit cramped. "Daddy Papa!!!" I called knowing they'd see the problem.

I heard Papa growl and Daddy chuckle. I had a feeling I knew why that had happened. But they came anyway Papa looked into the room then chuckled tugging me over to him. Within minutes my room was comfortably large with bunk beds on the back wall. "That should do." Papa said loudly. Before whispering in my ear. "Papa needs some alone time with daddy. Call the elves for anything else okay?" I nodded at him then hugged Daddy tightly. Before going into my room.

As soon as I closed the door a playful growl came from the hall. Closely fallowed by a yelp. And the sound of them running towards Daddy's room. When I turned I saw Pansy, Hermione, and Luna had taken charge and we're setting the room up for the sleepover. Milicent was standing near me. "You've got us for tonight. They are like that a lot aren't they." It was a statement rather than a question. And she had spoken softly enough I knew noone else had heard. So I just nodded.

We spoke about tomorrow and everyone's plans. When we got to my date with Draco I sighed. "I don't even know what to wear. What if I wear the wrong thing for the date?" I questioned absently.

Hearing small amounts of laughter I looked up. The group was now pulling out all sorts of stuff from clothes to makeup. Even some jewelry was brought out. "We saw this coming even without Luna looking forward." Cedric informed me calmly. I blushed knowing they had accurately predicted my nervousness.

Then the makeovers began a long with plenty of gossip. I truly felt my age for once. Before I knew it I was snuggled up with my sister's and falling asleep.

In the morning it was a mad dash for everyone to use the bathroom I like a smart person slipped into Daddy's room and used his much to Papa's amusement. Once clean and dry papa came in and brought me the clothes the boy's chose. Daddy did my hair while Luna and Pansy did some light makeup. Papa gave a stern lecture over what was okay and what wasn't. Before informing me that Mr Lovegood would be present to chaperone our date as he was able and a neutral party. Now all that was left was waiting for him to pick me up in the great hall.

Luna walked side by side with me as we went to the great hall while Hermione had been kidnapped by her now boyfriend George. As we walked in Dumbledore glared at me and Luna. But I just smiled and kept chatting with her. When my eyes landed on Draco I saw he was clearly dressed for the occasion. A smart outfit hair neatly rumpled with a slight curl to it. His lips looked like he had been biting them.

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