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           While we waited for death to return the group started to tell me about how they had been watching me from here. They then began telling me different secrets. Like Remus told me about the fact that he and siri had been spelled against helping me. Siri told me he was in love with someone that hated him, and that he was gay. My dad or at least so I thought told me he wasn't infact my birth father. He even told me I had worn a blood glamour since an hour after my birth. When I looked at my mum for confirmation she smiled at me softly. Then went on to explain that I was actually Snape's son but she had been scared that if Snape had found out that he would have raised me to be a death eater. She wanted to give me a choice but had failed to foresee Dumbledore being the way he was.

             Snape or dad I guess told me he had been mean on purpose so I would get mad instead of sad. Apparently he had been able to tell something wasn't right with my home life. But had been unable to ascertain as to what. Hermione told me she had been the one that ruined my scarf during forth year not Ron. Fred told he and George had almost joined the dark but the only thing was they cared about me more then their own beliefs. Tom shared what life as a child was really like for him. By the end I broke down and cried hard.

           After my breakdown they started making a list of what I needed to learn. Tom even added to it. Then mum started working with me right away on charms. She literally covered first through sixth years back to back then suddenly James jumped in with history lessons next thing I knew Siri was teaching me transfiguration. Remus taught me arithmacy after that. Just when I thought I'd get a break Hermione started trying to teach me to dance.

            But no matter how hard she tried I couldn't get it right. The whole thing felt wrong. Tom jumped in after a while and started teaching me defence and dark arts. Snape came next teaching me potions and occlumency this went on for quite a while. Hermione eventually got pissed and started leading while teaching me to dance. It was then that the steps felt natural. And I got it till she tried to get me to lead then I messed up again.

           When they finally finished with me I collapsed on top of someone not really caring who. I closed my eyes instantly feeling sleep pulling me under. When I next woke I felt long fingers carding through my hair gently. And soft humming above me. I slowly peeked open an eye to find my mum was acting as my pillow. After a bit I was learning more and being taught about heirship duties then lordship responsibilities. Several hours later the founder's of Hogwarts showed up and taught me about creatures, healing, wandless magic, nonverbal magic, and combat styles. When Merlin showed up to teach me politics I started beaming my favorite part of politics was the debating part.

           Though dad said I just liked a good argument. He wasn't wrong though. Arguing can be fun as long it doesn't cross the line. Mum rolled her eyes proclaiming that I'm just like my father. Which made me laugh and point at snape-dad. Which made the marauders also start laughing. Dad instantly grabbed me up spinning me around. We spent the rest of the time playing joking and laughing. Eventually although it was awkward at first Tom joined in the fun. By the time death came back Tom Dad and I had teamed up against the marauders. While the others cheered for their favorite.

         "Have you decided who will go with you and to when master?" Death asked standing a distance away from the dodgeball game. I gave a nod but said "I still have yet to speak with the deity's though. But yes Severus and train station before forth year." Everyone was surprised by my choice of person but understood the time I chose.

            "Why me Harry?" Dad asked solemnly. "You should choose Tom so you can avoid him wanting to kill you. Or miss granger so she can help you with all this." He looked lost so I hugged him.

    "To be honest I'm being a little selfish. I don't think I could take the loss of your care. Also Hermione although brilliant isn't going to be in as good of a position to help me as you will be and Tom will need his mind healed once I go back before we can even attempt to work with each other." I explained softly.

        "Very well say your goodbyes by the time your done with the other deity's it will be time to leave. You and Severus will be speaking with them together." Death stated while gesturing to the others. I quickly hugged Hermione telling her she wouldn't die so quickly this time. Then Fred telling him the same. Followed by Remus and Sirius. Then James and mum and apologizing for not being able to go back enough to save them.

        When I walked up and hugged Tom he whispered that if he asked for proof to say that he could have been a raven but he wanted Slytherin. I smiled squeezing him a bit more. "I'll see you soon Tom." Then I joined my dad standing near death and then we were standing in a sandy room with a sundial as a center piece and clocks ticking all around.

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