Snap Tournament

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The morning after the first task everyone hurried to the great hall. This was the day of the Snap Tournament. Everyone was welcome to play. At first it would be every house to their own tables. Then the top five from each table would go to the Hufflepuff table while others could watch the matches going on from around the hall.

As soon as breakfast was done the platters of food disappeared only to be replaced with snap cards. Madame Pompfrey came in and explained the rules. And informed everyone that the first round of elimination would be over at lunchtime then we would have the second round after lunch to find the final competitors. After dinner we would have the final square off.

I made sure to lose our in the first round. And move over behind both Luna and Draco to cheer them on. When Luna lost to her queen I smiled softly. Then we both rooted for Draco rather openly. When I saw Draco had made it to the second round I jumped up and down giggling happily. And Luna pulled me down next to her to eat.

When Draco joined us I smiled as we chatted about how well this was going. Draco would occasionally put some small things on my plate. And I would immediately do the same for Luna then eat whatever he'd placed on my plate. While Luna didn't touch what I'd given her for some time. It was a cue for any who understood that me and Luna weren't the real couple.

Meanwhile it seemed the staff had begun their own round of snap. And by the look of things it was not going well for the goat. Daddy and papa were watching over the students. While the goat got his bum handed to him by Madame Pompfrey. But to my surprise Filtch was also doing very well.

After lunch draco Blaise and some younger years went to Hufflepuff table. I absently noticed that Fred George and Neville had gone with some others from Gryffindor Cho had some court members going over with her this was definitely a display of the royals. Looking over I saw Cedric was remaining behind much like myself.

Luna and I stood with him and cheered on our houses. Cedric blocked away some rather nasty hexes from hitting me. While me and Luna jumped up and down squealing. Draco, Neville, Cho, and Susan were heading into the final round. There were several from Beauxbaton's but only two from Durmstrang.

During dinner Luna sat at Gryffindor right next to Neville. And I sat at Slytherin practically in Draco's lap. Just before he got up to leave I pulled him close whispering in his ear. "Win and you'll receive a kiss." I slid my hand up his thigh as I whispered. Pulling my hand away abruptly I continued. "Lose and you'll have not even a word from me for a week." With that I turned from him completely and started talking to Pansy. After a few minutes Draco got up.

Pansy started laughing as soon as Draco was out of earshot. "Oh he is so playing for keeps. What did you promise him?" I smiled "nothing...." I said trailing off so she would no I was lying but smirking to show it was something devious. I really wanted Slytherin to have this victory.

Blasie and flint gave me looks that said how much I was playing with fire. Before shaking their heads as Cedric, Flur, Victor, and Luna joined us. "Sure that was wise harry?" Luna asked dreamily. "He against Neville after all." I smiled at her in understanding.

"That's precisely why it was wise. Besides that he's also got to beat Susan and Cho. Not to mention the wild cards that are Durmstrang and Beauxbaton's." I beamed at the whole group.

"What have you done Harry?" Victor and Flur ask simultaneously. They looked at each other and laughed a bit before Flur continued. "And why do the Slytherins look worried while the Luna looks ready to laugh?"

I giggled despite myself. "I gave Draco some extra motivation." I told them once I'd rained in my giggle fit. I watched as their jaws all dropped. Cause me to go into another giggle fit.

"Bold potter." Cedric stated softly. Clearly still shocked. "I'd ask what kind but I'm rather certain it's private." Cedric shook his head to clear it then looked to the raised dias. "Oh there starting." He looked relieved at that.

Two Beauxbaton's students went out first. Before I told them if Draco lost he wasn't going to hear from me for a week which seemed to calm them. At the end it was Draco and the girl from Beauxbaton's. Neither was relenting. Draco tossed down his card looking smug. The girl looked sad for only a moment before vindictive glee filled her face. As she tossed her card above his.

I pouted. "Great now I have to go hide for a week or I won't be able to resist wanting cuddles." I sulked up to my dad and asked to speak with him. After telling daddy on the way that because Draco lost I need to not be heard from for a week. And his quarters was the best place to hide. Daddy smiled at me knowing there was more to it but trusting that Id tell him if it was important.

Papa joined later and we all read until sleep claimed us.

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