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we all went our own ways each ensuring we got hit with at least one or two pranks. To better hide our absence. Once my inner pack members made it to Gryffindor commons I sent Hermione to find and stop the twins. When another me entered the common room I laughed hysterically. Neville had pink pixie wings a purple tutu, and was covered in rainbow glitter. All that while looking like me.

But when Ron and Ginny seemingly fled into the room everyone lost it. Ginny was a rather awful shade of green, matched perfectly by the clown afro and strange slime she was leaving in her wake. Where as Ron had spiders following him, flys buzzing about his head, and an atrocious shade of yellow skin. But the real icing on the cake was the way the were both vomiting slug's.

They both ran to the dorms in embracement. Once the twins arrived I had them transfer the spells Neville had gotten hit with over to me. And had them make Neville look like he had been hit with mine. "You'll all have to share the memories with me at some point." I said once sure everyone had come back even going so far as to do a head count.

"I got photos of some of the better pranks!" Colin chirped happily. Still taking pictures of everyone. Which brought a smile to my face.

"Just wait till you see the staff alpha!" Fred and George chorused together. Great hope dad isn't to angry. "We went all out on them! Except Snape and moody no matter what we tried couldn't get either of those two." I felt relieved at that. They both have me a curious look.

"Sorry boys but could you imagine the punishment we'd all get if you had managed to get Snape. Or moody for that matter." I said by way of explaining my relief. By the looks of horror on them they could. When we all headed down for dinner.

Upon entering the great hall my eyes were drawn to the staff table. What I saw was a sight I'll never forget. Dumbbells had been spelled into looking like the devil horns and all. A pitchfork stuck to his hand and a dark ball of energy seemed to be surrounding him. If the way the other professors were all leaning away was anything to go by. He was also reeking pretty bad. McGonagall was wearing a lions mane and had lion like ears. Flitwick had angelic wings and a halo.

Madame Maxime had large antlers on her head. Where as Karkaroff had whiskers and rat-like features. I about died with laughter. I herd somebody stop next to me turning I saw it was Draco. After he took it in he turned looked at me then we both busted up laughing. Draco had a prince charming look going on. We pointed at each other as we laughed then we looked back at the teachers table and dramatically leaned against each other laughing at the spectacle of professors. The rest of the students had also joined in our mirth.

Leaning close to Draco I whispered. "Have a blessed samhein hunny." He pulled away looked at me giving a soft smile of approval. Before whispering the greeting back. After that we both went to our tables. Despite my nerves over the situation I did try to eat. But only managed to eat a few bites. I spent the rest of the night pushing food around my plate. I could feel daddy's eyes trying to bore a hole into my head but didn't really care.

Once the choosing ceremony started I wanted to flee but couldn't. It went the same way as before. Just with everyone looking completely ridiculous for the whole thing. When dumbass started his speech I felt a spike in my nerves. Then just as before it went blue my heart sank. My eyes went straight to Draco. He made a show of raising his chin so I did to. Fixing my posture to be more regal but it failed instantly as dumbbells called out my name. I wanted nothing more than to curl into a ball and die again.

When dumbbells yelled my name I shook my head in denial. But Fred and George suddenly forced me to stand and gave me a push. I once more took the slip of parchment and went to the door feeling queazy this time. Once in the room I puked what little I had managed to eat. The real champion's at my side in an instant. "Why?" I questioned the universe at large. as soon as the adults came in arguing loudly again. I puked again. But then daddy had me and was yelling at me.

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