The Deity's

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               "Well young man have you chosen a time destination? And have you chosen well?" A deep smooth voice asked. Following the sound we turned to see a younger man in long sandy robes. He had gold colored eyes and peppered hair. Very much reminded me of werewolves. I nod leaning into dad again.

             "Yes he chose the train station just before his forth year." Dad answered for me. Holding me tightly. "Do you think this is a wise choice father time? If not is there a wiser destination?" Dad questioned while playfully ruffling my hair.

             "I believe it may not be the wisest but it is the most strategic. The wisest would have been right after the wand weighing. However more options are available with this route." He nodded sagely to us then said we will speak again soon and sent us to see the mother.


        The room was chaos plants, animal's, desert, ocean, fire, ice, wild winds, blinding light, and the darkest night. But there was somehow a gentle grace to it all. My eyes ravished the room. "Do you like this place child?" A melodious voice asked as though finding something amusing. I nod hard enough I'm sure my head will come free. Dad saves me by holding my head still.

        When dad gently turns my head towards her I see she isn't alone. There is a younger man standing with her. I hear death growl lowly. She is stunning moss covering some parts of her pink gown. Long white hair with soft waves in it. She has beautiful emerald eyes and a soft smile plays on her lips. The younger man has black hair kept neat being pulled back by a low loose bun. His eyes are amethyst purple sharp and studying. He is wearing next to nothing and you can see his perfectly toned body. His loin cloth is black like his hair. And he is glaring at death.

          "What does it mean to be your chosen?" I squeak out eyes nervously flitting between the two angry Deity's. When she clears her throat all eyes go to her and she scowls at death and the other deity. Making them both bow their heads.

            "It means dear one that you were to bring new life to the magic on earth. And you still shall. You are also the chosen of Lord chaos sweet child." My eyes look at the strange practically naked deity near her. He nods beaming at me. I merely give a wary smile. "Bring his chosen means you have better control chaotic magic. I believe they call it accidental magic." She sees the way both dad and myself are watching the two male deity's and sigh's.

             "Don't mind these two they argue constantly. Now did you have other questions child." She gives me a long look and I nod. Slowly moving away from dad and towards her. "You said they would be punished what did you do?" I asked curious for how she punished people. Apparently she had ripped magic out of the world completely after I died. "Death said I would have a creature inheritance. Are you willing to tell me what it would be. I only ask so I can be prepared. Also when would it happen and is there anything else important I should know before we go back?" I spewed out those questions and quickly stepped back into dads arms.

             She smiled at me gently walking up to me she smoothed her fingers down my cheek. "Yes there is much to tell. You'll get your creature inheritance at 15. You will be bringing back a creature inheritance long lost to your world but had been in you dormant. The creature is Xiezhi. It resembles an ox or goat, with thick dark fur covering its body, bright eyes, and a single long horn on its forehead. It has great intellect and understands human speech. The xiezhi possesses the innate ability to distinguish right from wrong. It is known as a symbol of justice. And you will be able to hear the truth from a lie."

              I beamed up at her. "So nobody can lie to me? What about half-truths will I be able to tell the difference? What if I want them to lie to me? Like every thing will be okay, or something like that....?" I started to ramble only for all of them to start laughing at me. I was suddenly very interested in the grass at me feet.

            "You are very amusing child also very smart. Yes half-truths will sound different. If they believe what they are saying it will sound like the truth. One more thing you dear one are a bearer." I look up startled not sure what that means but knowing it is something wonderful and scary. She smiled at me knowingly before she continued. "You can conceive, carry, and give birth to children. And I have decided that you dear child will have two mates." My jaw drops both terribly happy and frightened. Judging by dad's grip on me he's scared for me to. "No need to worry both mates will treat him as is befitting. Since you know and have long liked draco I figured I'd let it be he has veela blood in him. So he'll be getting that at fifteen as well. Your other mate is well a shadow phoenix."

          I cock my head to the side watching her. "But who is my other mate?" She gave a mischievous smile announcing she wasn't telling. As it was a surprise. Then death lead us from the room.

On the way to the room I'd meet the fates in death apologized to me telling me he had no idea what Vernon had done to me but would personally see to it that Vernon had a heart attack soon after I went back. And he would make sure that he spent his afterlife being tortured by the best.

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