Self study

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In the morning Harrison got up and went to the sitting room grabbing several books. He read until breakfast leaving the books on the table in front of the sofa. After breakfast I saw him head towards the library. Where I was told he spent the better part of the day. He read books about runes, charms, potions, and arithmeticy.

That alone made me smile. My boy was studying without being told. Although I was a bit worried about him not going to his classes. Minerva informed me that he had also stopped off at her office to inform her that due to the fact that someone had been able to get past the wards and put his name in the cup. He had decided for not only his safety but the safety of the other students to not stay in Gryffindor Tower. As well as the fact that he was dropping divination.

At lunch Dumbledore was sitting at the table very impatiently. When Harrison came in dumbass stood. "Harry Potter do to skipping classes you will be serv...." Dumbass began only to be cut off by Cedric and Cho.

"Due to being forcibly entered into the tournament and being a champion Harry Potter doesn't have to attend class this year." Cedric stated dryly.

"Harry also doesn't have to participate in the end of year exams headmaster. It's in the rule book. So he will not be serving detention." Cho spoke clearly giving the headmaster a look that was clearly asking if he was an idiot.

When Draco stood and moved to Harrison's side the whole room tensed. "You had asked if I could help you study up on politics. I have a free period next if you like." He said calmly aiming them towards the Slytherin table. I noticed the small smile playing on his lips and relaxed.

As the great hall went back to eating as though the headmaster had never attempted to chastise Harrison. Dumbass looked more then slightly pissed off. But was my own version of an extra yule. Smirking to myself I carried on eating seeing Minerva do the same followed closely by the other staff and Headmistress
Maxime. Karkaroff looking about warily before joining in.

I noticed that while Draco and Harrison sat beside one another they sat in a way no one else other then myself could see their joined hands beneath the table. Talking and eating casually. When Harrison and Draco walked into potions class together still chatting about politics then proceeded to sit together I had to focus on the Weasley boy in order to not smile.

Weasley tried thrice to make Harrison sit with him but it was Longbottom who made him shut up. By grabbing him and forcefully shoveling him into the seat between him and the wall. "Shut up runt. The alpha is busy and you have no right." Longbottom snapped at him. During the first portion of class we went over theory as per usual. But when it was time to do the practical portion Weasley tried once more to make Harrison his partner by force.

This time Harrison had clearly had enough. "Runts like you should know there place. Sentry ensure he stay at that desk with you beta will grab your ingredients for you." I watched as his orders were immediately carried out. "Seamus Dean do inform me filch that he has an extra set of hands for scrubbing the floor this weekend. After class. And this sort of thing will continue runt until you have learned your place." Then he went back to setting up his and Draco's work station.

At dinner when Harrison entered I saw dumbass stand and open his mouth only to close it as each of the house royals stood and looked at him expectantly. I could see Harrison trying valiantly to not laugh at the dumbfounded look on the goats face. I knew I was having a hard time myself at not laughing a sentiment that seemed to be getting shared by the whole upper table. Even Mr. Filtch who didn't often dine with us was trying not to crack up. Though he was letting out a snigger hear and there.

That evening when I entered my quarters I found Draco and Harrison sitting on cushions from the sofa in front of the sitting room table with piles of books surrounding them. Parchment stacked high on one side of the table and quills in hand.

They were talking quietly as Draco seemed to be doing his classwork. And honestly I had no idea what Harrison was doing. The book that was open in front of him was on runes. Another which was open just behind it was on arithmeticy. Curious I silently walked behind them pulling a cushion to be right behind them.

As I watched Harrison drew several runes with their effects just beneath them. Amongst the effects was fire protection, physical shielding, heat dampening, cooling radius, and scent blocking. Now I knew what Harrison was working on. He was already preparing for the dragons.

Looking at the stack of books I knew he was intending on learning the disillusionment spell. He was going to make himself unseen. "Don't forget about sound, and foot prints Harrison." I told him causing both to jump and give little yelps. Only making me chuckle at them.

I ruffled his hair getting up. Then proceeded to tell them only 30 more mins before they had best be off to bed. Moving down the hall I noticed that Harrison had left his door open peeking in I saw that he hadn't moved in at all. Making me frown. Just as I was about to go ask why he hadn't I felt barty wrap his arms around my waist.

"I know what your think sev. Don't worry remember he has yet to go shopping. And he only slept in there for half the night." Barty reminded me kissing my neck several times while talking to me. I knew he was scenting me. "Didn't get a chance to tell you this morning. But he called me papa last night when he was falling asleep."

I chuckled then groaned as he found that spot that drove me nuts. "And here I thought you'd forever be called mummy." I gasped sharply as he bit that spot.

"Nearly forgot to punish you for that darling." He said huskily into my ear as he pulled me into what I was quickly coming to think of as our room.

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