Slytherin Commons

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When we reached the entrance Draco whispered Xiezhi. Causing me to giggle at daddy's antics. Draco gave me a curious look as he pulled me through into the common room. "Daddy picked a funny password for you guys this time." I informed him smiling. To which he put another rose in my mouth. The common room although full was silent. Everyone was staring at us or more likely me. Some with hatred, some with shock, but a few with smiles.

"Why do you say that sweetie?" Draco asked leading me right over to the armchair by the fire and pulling me down into his lap. I quickly tried to get up having not realized he would do that. "Better like this sweetie." He told me easily holding me in place. I could feel myself begin to blush.

"Well daddy chose a special creature for your password. Sort of an inside knowledge sort of thing. You'd know why I found it funny if you knew what me and daddy know." I rambled out trying to distract myself from the fact that I was A sitting in Draco's lap and B clearly being shown off. "Draco they are all staring." I whisper to him trying not to squirm.

"Ah..... Yes as you can see my princess has been chosen. Don't like it tough. And if any of you even think of trying to rat this out to anyone don't. Because as of this moment the identity of the Slytherin princess is considered a house secret." He spoke firmly to the others it didn't take a genius to realize it was a command. And although shocked none looked ready to complain. "Now go about your own business. I will not tolerate anyone staring at my princess." He snapped. Causing me to wince slightly. "There that should do for now better sweetie?" He asked softly kissing my cheek furthering my blush.

"Draconian Lucius Malfoy! We've discussed this already. Harrison marvelous Snape get off his lap right now! Decorum!" It was then that daddy yanked me up off Draco's lap tossing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I could sense the glare daddy was giving to Draco. I covered my face with my hands. "Just how many times must I tell you no nonsense until marriage!? Shall I have your mother and father pay another visit Draconian?" Several gasps we're here including one from that was quickly covered in a cough.

I looked up through my fingers. Only to spot the not moody aka Barty Crouch Jr. Standing there looking between me and Snape. While Draco was sputtering out a response. If he told anyone the jig would be up. So I kicked daddy hard in the stomach. Causing him to loosen his grip just enough for me to wriggle free. I quickly grabbed Barty's shirt bringing him down fast straight to wand point. "Daddy this is the goats friend isn't it? You called me proper infront of the goats friend. We need to make him not remember quick. If the goat finds out...." I started to explain for daddy so he wouldn't get mad at my kick. But Barty was now pointing his wand at my throat as well.

"Even a small flinch and you'll be dead death eater brat." That hurt and I frowned at it. "Now how about we go see my friend and tell him exactly what you're name....." He didn't get to finish as pansy smashed a vase over his head. I smiled at her thankfully. Daddy moved over to us instantly. He quickly said stay with Draco and dropped a kiss to my forehead. Before levitating Barty out through a different door.

I watched nervously as daddy floated him away wondering if everything was a loss now. Draco wrapped me up in his arms. "Your dad will make sure that you don't get found out sweetie. Dumbbells won't find out. Your safe. He can't control you here. Dumbbells can't get you. We have you safe now sweetie." He kept repeating softly to me while I fought hard not to cry. "Don't worry Slytherins look after their own princess. And your dad is very good at protecting what he considers his." He carefully guided me back into the chair with him holding me tightly.

As he ran his hands through my hair Pansy spoke up. "We should start telling you about your position as Slytherin Princess. You need to know about your rights and responsibilities." I nodded from my place burrowed into Draco's robe's. "Well for starters your response to an outsider finding out information was initially good but never tell them what you want to do with them just do it." At that I peeked out at her. Seeing others nodding along with her.

"I'm not good with mind magic. Couldn't risk him winding up like I had done to Lockhart." Because I had done that lucky for me Ron had closed his eyes and believed it was a backfire. I saw her eyes widen then a vicious grin spread across her face.

"Well I guess that is why you didn't obliviate us before then. But any way now we know that just tell us something in code like for wiping a memory lock or mind. But the quick reaction to the man knowing your secret was excellent." She smiles softly at me before continuing on. "Now as Slytherin Princess you need to be present when there is court. And you'll need to know the stations of everyone in our court as well as the other courts." She was clearly gearing up for a long lecture.

"Is it anything like Gryffindor alpha?" I asked innocently. Blinking at her I continued. " Like the alpha controls the pack, and the beta insures the pack well-being." I explained in an asking manner. At her blank face I frowned thinking I was wrong and looked down.

"It's pretty close Harry. But Gryffindor hasn't had an alpha since your James Potter. So how would you know about it." Flint asked slowly. In a show of being thrilled about being right I looked up sharply with bright eyes.

"At the end of first year they took the vote and made me the alpha. But nobody really knows how it's supposed to work. Me and Neville have managed to find some stuff about it but not much. I made Hermione my beta and Neville is the den sentry. Currently the Weasley twin's are the den guards." I watched as all those nearby had eyes nearly popping out of their heads by the time I was done.

"Wait so you have been running Gryffindor without any clue how to since the end of first year? What's the difference between sentry and guards. And why the twins but not Ron?" Nott questioned quickly. Clearly alarmed by the new information.

"Erm... Yeah I have. I am unable to tell you the difference although I do know it. And I trust the twins. Plus I know I can trust them to protect the den. Do you know how I'm supposed to be handling this?" I shot back my own question at him "also why would I need to know about the other courts? Aren't the courts just a way to resolve minor issues within the house without having to get the teachers involved?" I watched them seem to slump when I asked. I responded to their clearly defeated looks by leaning backwards into Draco. He seemed to understand as he rubbed my arms gently.

"No sweetie it's also a way to resolve interhouse problems without needing the teachers. And a way to help us prepare for the politics outside of Hogwarts." He lent forward and kissed my cheek as he told me. Hours later with help and loads of explanation from everyone I know understood both how I was supposed to be running the pack and court dynamics for Slytherin we fell into soft conversation about school. Draco never once letting go of me. At some point I must have fallen asleep. Because I woke slightly when being gently laid down in a soft bed. But quickly drifted back off to sleep as strong arms wrapped around me.

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