Time Twist

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By evening I had gotten Remus and Sirius fully aware of how awful dumbass really was. So I pulled out my time turner and thanked father time for it's use before turning time back for me and Remus to just before the order fan out across the school. We had made a plan to get both of us to the library and situate ourselves in a way that would make it hard to say we hadn't been there for a bit. As well as sending a protronus to daddy.

As soon as we were back in time I summoned my protronus say Severus Snape up hurry dumbbells on the way. Barty be not you quickly. and let it rocket off to daddy. Before Remus and i hurried up and out of the chamber. On our way to the library I took every shortcut and hidden path available. Then sent a message to Draco that I was in the political section of the library. While Remus sent one to Cedric followed by Luna.

By the time the first Remus was being taken to the chamber the others had joined us and we were in a whispered though still heated discussion about some form of house competition for the year. When I knew the first us would be settled in the chamber. I called for Dobby. "Change into the one you wore before we have need for subterfuge. Then go tell the headasshole you know where I am. And tell him I'm here. Make sure to leave straight away once you have done this and remember don't make it seem like we've bonded. Go!" Dobby gave a mock salute before popping off.

The others gave me a look and I said back to pretend that didn't happen. Instant understanding past though the group and the debate over what form of house competition we could have was back in style. Cho and Luna arguing for chess while Cedric and Draco held out for either gobstones or snap. And I kept arguing that we should have a debate match. Remus was steadily trying to interject.

When dumbass entered the library with the full order I smirk as the whispered argument was only gaining heat and volume. Dumbass stared at us all dumbfounded by our argument. which was quickly sparking argument between the heads of house and the order members. Madame pince was giving a harsh glare at us.

"Guys!" No reaction. "Guys!" Now they turned to me and the look on Madame pince was one for the record book. "For one we are in the library. For two chess tournaments are interesting but only about a third of the students will be even interested. Three gobstones rather dull to watch. four a snap tournament might be nice but again only a third. However there is one thing that catches everyone's attention arguments." I gave that a minute to sink in. "Debate is the civil version of arguing. We could even do a kick off by convincing the heads of house to draw a topic and pick staws for which side they argue. We could use old wizingmot bills or even new ones still on the table." I got surprised looks from everyone at that.

"Or we could just convince McGonagall and Snape. I mean who does want to see them go ahead to head in a battle of witts. Though I still think it would be best for all of them to go against each other." I finished tactfully.

"True Potter everytime anyone gets in a fight it's like the whole school suddenly shows up. And if we intend on getting the house tensions down we need to reach as many as possible with an outlet." Draco agreed giving me a weird look. "We should also hold mini tournaments of the others as debate still won't reach all of them. Not sure what to do about the loners though."

"And who will be the judge for the mini tournaments? Let alone the debates?" Cho asked nodding along.

"Well McGonagall would be best suited for chess, Hootch for gobstones, and Pompfrey for snap. As for debate we would need the most neutral and fair adult possible..." I drawled.

My immediate thought was also most knowledgeable. Madame pince! But I couldn't say it or it would be leading. In comes Luna to save the day. "They also need to be highly intelligent. Madame pince fits the bill there so we'd just have to convince her." Luna said dreamily. Which got sputters from dumbass.

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