Chamber Meeting

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I spent the night helping Fred George Angelina and Lee prep all the items they would need for tomorrow. There was no way I was going to sleep anyway I was scared for tomorrow. I was hoping against hope dad had persuaded Barty from entering me. I had told all of Gryffindor that entering a death torment was foolish at best and informed everyone I wanted a quiet year for Gryffindor. After the four went to sleep I picked up a stray violin and placed a privacy spell around me.

Colin and Neville were the only ones still in the common room as I began to play. Causing both to stare at me. Both had been startled awake by my playing Fred and George were still visible heading up. I was honestly scared especially after seeing Cedric enter his name to the cup. Had nothing changed?!

When the sun started to rise the early risers started to come down I put the violin back and sat next to Neville passing out instantly. It was Neville who woke me later for breakfast. Giving me a we've got this look. After readying myself for the day we went down meeting with the other courts at the door to the great hall.

"See you after I'm finished with breakfast sister." I said to Hermione. Also telling the twins when they should start we all entered the great hall I sat with Luna at ravenclaw table. The headmaster was staring at us clearly trying to make eye contact with me. But I paid close attention to Luna and making it look real. We ate holding hands above the table and trading snarky comments about the tournament. "I should go now dear one." I stated just loud enough to alert all those needed it was about to begin fortunately both Krum and Flur we're sitting close enough to hear and notice the sudden tense atmosphere. I stood and made my way out of the hall towards the second floor. I needed everything to be ready for the other royals.

I went down to the chamber immediately. After cleaning the place up completely and insuring that both the basilisk and the real diary were sadly hidden. I cast a tempus seeing it was nearly time for the meet up. I quickly cast several air freshing charms and a few to straighten myself out. I headed to the shoot where they would come down.

Asking for stairs like Salazar Slytherin had told me to. I walked up after another tempus I opened it knowing they were waiting for me. And sure as shit they were Luna was casting an intricate spell at the door. I waited for her to be done before I motioned for the others to enter. After everyone was in I hissed for the sconces to light.

I lead them to the main chamber. Hermione's head whipping back and forth trying to take it all in. "Harry this place is not filthy like you said it was." I smirked at her. She gave me a look of exasperation before giving me a you will spill look.

"Sorry sister mine. I've been cleaning. Also I've gathered you all hear to view some very important details." Seeing Cho roll her eyes I held up my hand to quell the irritation of being interrupted. "Things that could not be shown to such a full court yesterday. As questions would have insured that I can't answer without pain of death. All I ask of you my fellows is if I say I can not answer you do not ask. And above all else Dumbledore must never know."

The part about dumbass got both Krum and Flur's eyes wide shock clear in there face. "He is not to be trusted." I stated to them. Then I turned to the pensive pulling memory after memory from my head dropping them in once done I tapped the pensive and they started to play.

I showed them all the major points in the tournament but when those were done I made it play the part about how the judges knew I was entered against my will. And how they decided to use me as bait. After I played this again they all understood. "Zis vill appen tonight?"

I frowned at her. "By the grandmother's I hope not. I do hope I have made enough changes to stop this fate. Cedric had been pale since I showed them everything up to his death in the graveyard. "I hope we can all change this fate. As for the things you missed yesterday. Dear sister if you will." I said taking the memory's back.

I stepped into Draco's arm's seeking comfort from him. As Luna started putting memories in. By the time the pensive was done playing I was in tears. Luna had held back very few things this time such as the times Vernon had decided he wanted to play. Or the death of Siri. Luna began putting the memories back Krum and Flur were both quiet.

"Ur brinzing im bat arnz you" Krum finally asked. I nodded at him not needing to ask who he meant. "Maze im zane tzis time zan." He spoke evenly.

"How are you not an Obscuras after all that Harry." Cho asked softly "I thought it was bad before but that was just awful." I shook my head not knowing how to answer that. No longer wanting to deal with it I turned into Draco hiding my face as I quietly broke down. I felt Draco tighten his hold on me.

"Iz he not vif ze Luna" I herd Flur ask very confused. Laughter rang through the room.

"Harry would never date his sister. I am his dear sister where as Hermione is his beloved sister." Luna answered still laughing. "It's nearly dinner for now we should smarten up then head up." I heard Luna lead them off but Draco held me closely.

"The missing parts sweetie how bad were they?" I sobbed loudly into him. Which seemed to be all the answer he needed. "Sweetie I'm hear I'm not going anywhere. And we will change everything this time no doubt." He finished by kissing the top of my head. After a deep breath he pulled me away and began to use multiple spells to hide the fact I'd been crying so hard. Then the other's came back and joined us we went up to rejoin the rest of the school.

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