Convincing Barty

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As soon as I had floated him into my private quarters. I turned and looked him dead in the eye. "Don't sway from your path. I can feel him coming home and I welcome it. For now just know the boy can't be betrayed to the headmaster." I tell him flatly as I pull his flask off his hip. Smirking as I open it finding poorly made polyjuice potion. "Potions was never your strong suit Jr. Best to use what I give you." I release his bindings after that handing him his flask plus a shrunken bottle of polyjuice I had made. He looks at me curious.

"How did you know it was me? Why are you helping? Isn't he your son." He seems so very confused as I offer him to sit on the couch with me.

He nods sitting slowly eyes both trying to pin me to the couch. "Unfortunately I can not tell you the answer until yule. For now I just need for you to maintain your course. Did you find him?" I ask showing every bit of my worry for my old boss. His face lights like Christmas.

"I did but I wasn't the first to find him. Stupid rat found him first. But to be fair I found him only days of being out of years worth of liquid imperious. Not sure how that happened." He seemed to start contemplating. I already knew what had happened though.

"I actually know how you got free barty. But I can't tell you about it yet. As it might change your current course." Seeing him give me a murderous look even as his real face came back into view. I gave a sad smile to him. "Not because I don't want to but just promise not to say anything to him till after samhein please if the course is altered neither of them survives it."

He growls at me lowly causing me to hang my head. "And how do I know you haven't defected and are want the future where the boy lives and he dies." I knew he was pointing his wand at me without even looking. For some reason I couldn't help but feel like crying.

"Do you both doubt me so? Have I not held my place? Followed the last orders I received all this time? Have I not gained the boys trust? Did you not see his reaction to you knowing? Was it not the enemy name he feared find the truth?" I snapped at him. Raising my head to look at him knowing that my eyes were likely bloodshot. I saw the shock of my words hit home.

He dropped his wand on the couch. And hugged me tightly. "I was unaware of your final orders before he left. I see your pain Severus. Though we have held doubt within us I no longer shall. But I will promise to keep this to myself and maintain the course I was on." As Barty started rubbing my back only then did I raise my arms to hug him back.

"He can't know just yet but I have reason I swear. Do what you came to do tomorrow night I'll clear your way. I may need your help with the aftermath. You'll know when I have need. I'll refer to the place I last saw you." He gave me another squeeze telling me he wanted to let go, but for some reason I didn't want to let go.

"Severus come I want to hear all about the years I've missed." But I just burrowed further into him. "Have you missed me so? That you cannot bear to be away from me even a small distance? At least turn your face that we might talk. If you need my warmth then I shall gladly offer you to sit upon my lap. To be so alone for so long must have pained you greatly." He questioned softly as he pulled me to straddle his lap. I didn't fight it at all surprising myself.

Allowing my glamours to drop I tucked my head under his turning it sideways. "I'm sorry I don't know what's come over me but feels like I need you. Please don't let go." I beg from my position curled into him as much as I could. He didn't let go infact he started sniffing at me. Humming in apparent approval. "Lily was my mate. I defied him to be with her. I did so three times. That's how Harry happened. She never told me he was mine. Potter blood adopted him so did black. So he wouldn't be without as he got older. I'm fairly sure she never told either of them it was me that sired him." I was struggling not to cry.

He smoothed my hair waiting patiently for me to continue. "After her death I mourned my mate. As well as mourned him as I had no way to find him without disobeying yet again." I sucked in a breath to keep from sobbing. "I haven't been to gringotts in years. But I had to go just before term and they found some interesting things. Apparently lady magic has seen fit to grant me a new chance. All I have to do is find them. As for why I had to go there I'll leave that till after samhein." Barty held me in a protective way. And we just sat there for a while not talking. Just enjoying the feeling of being cared for.

After a while he rubbed my back and made to stand up. I whimpered at the loss. But stood off of him. He looked happier than ever. He held each of my shoulders. "I've rounds tonight and tomorrow night. And you should check the den make sure no little snakes are still up." With that he kissed my forehead. "Glamour Severus." Then turned drinking the polyjuice from the flask putting both the leg and eye back on and left me alone there.

After throwing a quick glamour on myself I went to the den to find Draco holding onto a sleeping Harry, and chatting softly with heir Nott. They were the only ones down here so I smiled. Walking over to Draco I said it was time for bed. And picked Harry up out of his arms. Turning I carried Harry off to my bed I never had a chance to snuggle my son when he was young. But I do now 😌tough luck Draco.

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