Interhouse Court

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When we entered the great hall for lunch it was clearly a tense atmosphere. I guided Luna to my table and saw to her sitting first before I sat. I did as she had instructed to make it look real and filled her plate before mine. Once we began eating the hall seemed to let out a collective breath. Once we finished Luna took my hand silently asking to leave. But instead I lead us to her table placing us near the Slytherins. "I do apologize sincerely for the grievance the two youngest Weasley's have caused to one of your house." I spoke in a clear voice. Showing my sincerity by bowing slightly. "I assure you they have been dealt with. Their pack position's have been striped from them and they have been demoted below that of first years for their behavior. I would never allow such treatment towards even an enemy so for it to have happened to lady Luna is most definitely inappropriate. I hope this pleases your court." After that I lead us from the room.

Luna smiled at me then hugged me tightly. "Thank you brother" she whispered softly. I smiled back at her then gave her a look over as she did the same. Both of us laughed at each other then ran towards the room of requirement. Once there we went through the clothes there and changed into something more appropriate for Interhouse Court. Once ready we went down to the dungeons. Meeting with my pack we went in Luna on my arm. I sat Luna on the chair set for me. Startling every Slytherin in court. Draco looked furious with me. I stood next to her.

"I trust those I've brought with me to not speak a word of this not even if it's to the headmaster. Do you trust all you've brought in the same light?" I asked calmly even though I didn't feel it. Looking at first Cho who sat the ravenclaw throne. Then Cedric who sat the Hufflepuff throne. Finally only glancing at Draco who sat the Slytherin throne. I received a nod from Cedric but not Cho so I stared her down not speaking.

After a moment she told two people to leave. Then looked at me raising an eyebrow in question. "I apologize for that however there is much at stake. More then you may know. The Slytherins are already aware of the situation. And I trust them with my life as well." I said giving a nervous smile to the room.

"Now their gone brother best to get it out the remaining can be trusted." Luna spoke clearly as she stood and crossed the room to her queen. She kneeled and bowed her head low making me scowl. "We apologize for the deception my queen however quick action was needed. Harry is as a brother to me and I as a sister to him. The rouse was not meant for you but for our true enemy. He who walks these halls freely. He who would cause us harm from within like a cancer." I sit on my throne now. Feeling the weight of the day already and it wasn't even over yet.

"She speaks truth fellow. An enemy of us all lurks within the castle and has done so for quite some time." Draco said clearly far more calm. This got a nod from Cho.

"Would you tell us the name of this enemy fellow?" Cedric asked addressing me. Watching me carefully for any sign of deception.

I give him a nod. "I will but first I'd like to tell you why I call this person my true enemy." He frowned at me but gave a nod seeming to understand that it was important to hear it first. "My true enemy made you know who what he became. He has lied to all of you regarding how I've lived to insure I couldn't seek help. He has ignored many dangers that came to this school that put not just me but everyone here in danger. He has potioned myself and that I know of at least one other. As for proof of that claim do goblins give these for something as simple as love potions." I showed the bracelet on my wrist startling gasps from everyone but the Slytherins in the room.

"Beyond the potions there are still spells and blocks still affecting me. And I can do nothing about them at the moment. I truly fear for the population of Hogwarts at the current rate. My true enemy....." I was about to tell more but Hermione started to whisper in my ear.

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