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It had been weeks since the train ride. And everything was normal except the fact the I was avoiding Draco despite the fact he kept trying to corner me. But it was the first Hogsmead weekend. Ron and Hermione had slipped off on their own which worried me greatly. I was sitting on a bench near the path to the shrieking shack. Watching the clouds and nibbling on candy from Honeydukes.

There was a bit of chaotic noise coming from the lower end of the path. Looking down I saw a bunch of Slytherins. And of course Draco heading my way. So I took the only logical course of action. I fled towards the shack. Abandoning my sweets in favor of getting away. Unfortunately I made to much noise in my haste to get away. And they all saw me.

Tripping over roots on my way up the path I stumbled and fell hitting my head off a rather sharp rock. I hissed at the pain. But realized I had twisted my ankle as well and would not be getting up. Cursing my luck I pulled out my wand trying to think of the right spells. But found the pain in my head distracted me to much.

"Potter you've been avoiding me.... What have you done now Potter." I closed my eyes tightly trying to hold back the tears. He was a moron and a jerk. And I should still be mad at him. His hands gently moving my hair made me open an eye.

"G-go away jerkface!" I snapped weakly. Wincing as he touched a spot on my head. He sighed at me and moved onto my ankle. Pulling out his own wand he healed my ankle. Then moved to my head muttering the spell.

"Potter stop avoiding me it's rude. After all you practically cling to me on the train now you run away and try to hide." He was now holding my chin so I couldn't look away. "Where's the brave Gryffindor at I miss him." His eyes spoke volumes. He really had missed me. I felt my lip quiver slightly. "Scared Potter?" At that the damn broke.

" Yes! Yes, I'm scared. I'm practically a slave or a puppet on strings at this point. And you are one of the few things that I could lose that would hurt. And even after I told you about how I've never been free you turned around and tried to take away more freedom. That hurts a lot. So yes I'm scared damnit! Are you bloody happy now!" I try to catch my breath from my little tirade. His hand slips from my face. But he's still holding my ankle. "I've never been on a date, or been kissed, hugs are rare, and for all I know you'll tire of me and throw me away like a banana peel."

The tears were still flowing down my face but I continued. "The way you did that made me feel like a whim. And whim's don't last. You've said very mean things to me in the past and done meaner. But you've never physically hurt me. So you've always been safe to me. Vernon has done unspeakable things to me. Things I can never forget. No matter how much I want to. And I can't even fight back or I'll be in more trouble." I wiped at my eyes futility. Sniffing I looked up at him. He was starring at me pain in his eyes. "I could never offer virtue. That choice has been robbed from me. And I know without virtue I wouldn't be worthy in a marriage. I'm not dumb I don't want to be...." I didn't get a chance to finish as he yanked me to himself and kissed me. Hugging me close as possible.

When we broke apart I opened my eyes that I hadn't remembered closing. "Then for now we will date. And Harry I would never blame or shame you for what's been stolen. Also do you not realize I have been obsessing over you since we met." He informed me still holding me close but still gently. "Now it's nearly time to head back, and Pansy has ordered me to either make up with you or not be allowed into the common room." I giggled knowing that would never keep Draco out.

"You are going to come to my commons tonight. That's final I haven't had cuddles in weeks. And I've missed you so tonight we cuddle." He stood us up while he informed me that no wasn't an option tonight. And as long as it was just cuddling I was okay with it. He lead me back to the castle. Stopping in at Honeydukes on the way and buying a whole bunch of candy rose's and blood pops. "We'll be back late at this rate" I state softly as he considers the chocolate frogs and sugar quills.

He bought a bunch of both. And I knew we would be in for it if we went back the normal way so I pulled out my cloak and shrugged it over both of us. Then cast a spell to silence our steps and guided Draco to the basement where I knew the secret passage was. As soon as we were in the tunnel I put the cloak away. " Harry where are you taking us?" I giggled lightly.

"Back to the castle. But in a way that we won't be caught for being late." I started walking down the tunnel leaving him little choice but to follow. "Or would you rather get another detention with Filch. I personally...." I was cut off by a candy rose being shoved into my mouth. At my hum of appreciation Draco smiled.

The rest of the walk back was spent quietly with Draco occasionally putting rose's in my mouth. When I would try to take it he would say no that it was his way of spoiling me. "How did you know that the candy rose's are my favorite?" I finally asked as we reached the statues passage.

"Granger always brought them back for you last year. And those were the ones you always would smile at. The first ones you ate and the last as well." Draco explained pulling me close. And placing a light kiss to the corner of my mouth.

"Disinadom" once the passage was open we quickly started out then headed to the Slytherin commons.

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