Cuddle Bug

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I was dreaming. I had burned the bacon and was getting a beating for it. Then running I was running through the park trying to escape from Dudley and his gang. I woke with a start. I felt myself tucked into a warm bed but didn't recognize my surroundings. I stood slowly creeping around the room once I found the door I quietly opened it.

I was a bit shocked to find the door had a plack on it witch read Harrison's Room. Peeking out into the hallway I saw it was daddy's quarters. Smiling I made my way to daddy's room. I opened the door softly. Barty sat up slightly not sure if I'd be welcome I shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably. After a minute I saw him wave me over.

Quickly making my way to his side I crawled over him. Barty lifted the blanket for me so I squirmed in tucking myself in between them. Hearing a sleepy chuckle from barty. "Okay cuddle bug." Then he ruffled my hair giving me a kiss on the forehead before laying back down.

Pulling daddy's arm so I could lay on his shoulder I curled myself around daddy. And I felt barty pull both me and daddy to him. Having both daddy and barty holding me felt good. Safe, warm, and cared for. "Night papa." I mumbled as I drifted to sleep.

"Night cuddle bug." Barty whispered back. I knew he was smiling from the tone in his voice.

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