design madness

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After telling both daddy and Papa about my task I had left the room and gotten out a sketch pad to design our dress robe's. I spent three days locked in my room drawing and never very satisfied before a soft knock right next to me startled me. "Honey calm down let me see what you have your family is allowed to give a bit of help like this." Daddy told me running his fingers through my hair gently. I sighed resignedly gesturing to the mound of crumpled parchment. As he frowned at the sight I leaned into him.

"Daddy I'm gonna fail." I was just about in tears. He held me close and called for Dobby.

"Dobby straighten these out and stack them up for me. Then bring some coco, and light food." He picked me up and carried me over to my bed. Running his fingers through my hair gently.

I sniffled against his chest. Not one of my sketches had turned out to be good enough. I only had three weeks and nothing was lining up. I had yet to collect the scales or take Draco's measurements. "Shh.. honey it will be okay. I'm sure your just being to hard on yourself. You know when I try to make a new potion I'm the same way." I turned into him more to try and hide the frustrated tears that were running down my face.

I heard a the rustling of parchment before a sharp pop. "Come here bug. You need to eat." It was only then that I realized that I had forgotten to eat. I let papa pull to his lap. Daddy began looking through the stack of rumpled design parchments. As Dobby handed over a tray of food. Papa began to hand feed me. I didn't care it was babyish. Papa, and Daddy would be very disappointed when I failed.

I sniffled again barely holding back the sob at the thought of their disappointment. "Oh bug don't cry. It will be fine." He told me wiping at my tears.

"Gonna fail." Sniff "dispoint you." Sniff "failure." I all out sobbed the last. Papa crushed me to him. And started rocking me back and forth. Rubbing my back in little circles.

"Your not going to fail cuddle bug. And even if you did I would never be disappointed as long as you do your best. Your not a failure. Your my cuddle bug. And daddy's baby boy." He told me as he kept rocking me. He kept repeating it and kissing the top of my head. Slowly calming me down. I wanted daddy though.

Soon enough daddy chipped in. "He's right hunny. Besides although some of these won't work for dress robe's they are still good. I picked out the dress robe designs. We can go over them and you can tell us what is wrong with them maybe we can even fix it with one of these others." He suggested as he began to pet my hair.

I relaxed into them fully now. I ate slowly and took my potions. Daddy withheld the coco until my potions and food were all gone. Daddy started asking me about what was wrong with the designs and making note of the issues in the upper right corner. Papa was quiet he had a few he was holding on to and occasionally would pull another from the pile on the bed. After daddy sat the last one down he gave a gentle smile. "Now let's find the one that will be easiest to fix."

Papa handed over two parchments. I looked at them feeling extremely put out those to were probably the most nightmarish. One was filled with ruffles and lace while the other hand a lot of ruching. Even daddy gave him an incredulous look. "Here me out before you doubt me." He said defensively.

"This one with all the lace if you take out the ruffles down the shirt replace with lace and put lace here on the sleeves. But leave it ruffled then use the over robe of the one with the ruching but change the hem to have more fur along it. And add a bit of ruched lace to the collar and it goes perfect." see he tapped his wand on the two parchments. Changing the design in just those ways. I watched the slight changes fix them entirely. "And bug if you really look at the designs it's pretty clear you had that in mind from the start. Your over thinking things is what messed you up." He said rubbing my back as I sniffled rubbing at my eyes.

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