that italian temper

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It was another early morning on the field, our training sessions running from 6-8am. Those are usually followed by class, and then some sort of lifting in the night.

I put my bag in my locker, throwing my sweaty practice uniform in the laundry bin. I see a few of the new freshman bunched together, seemingly gossiping about something. Annie gives me a kiss on the cheek, "see you at noon for lunch?" She asks, changed and showered already. I smile and nod.

I hear one particular freshman mutter some words about me. I try to hold back, changing into my clean clothes. I mind my own business, starting to head out as I hear her say that one word. "What did you just call me?" I say, whipping around.

She just stares at me. "What did you just call me?" I repeat, taking a step closer to her. "I didn't say anything." She says, the girls around her walking away. "I know what you said. Say it again, to my face." I say, taking another step closer to her.

I hear the door bust open. "Ladies!" My coach yells, putting himself in between us. "What is happening?" He asks, looking at the both us.

"She saw me with Annie, and then called me a slur." I say, clenching my fists to try and calm down my feelings of rage. "I did not. I didn't say anything about you." She replies, her face turning red.

"Ask any of the other freshman, they were near her. She said it, and now she's too pussy to admit it" I say, moving closer and bitting my lip. "DeLuca. Watch your mouth." He says, turning to me and putting a hand on my shoulder to hold me back.

This goes on for a while, before I have to leave to go to class. The whole time I can't seem to shake my rage. I said some pretty intense things to her, and if coach hadn't come in, it might've escalated.

I find annie in the dining hall for lunch, finally calming down for what seems like the first time ever. My phone rings, interrupting me. It's coach. I step away from the table, "Hey Coach" I answer, my heart racing.

"DeLuca, I talked to come of the other freshman and they backed your story. I am going to meet with her and the Dean in an hour. Just thought I'd call and update you.". I finally can breathe. "Okay. Thank you Coach." I reply, biting my cheek.

"And DeLuca, I should be punishing you for your actions in there as well, but I understand where you were coming from. Don't do it again, and we won't have a problem." He says. "Yes sir, thank you." I reply.

Annie and I head back to my dorm to do some homework before lift. "Are you okay?" She asks, her hand resting on my thigh. "Yeah, its just the whole situation was a lot for me." I say, holding her hand.

"Did you talk to your mama about it?" She asks, her thumb rubbing up and down my hand. "No, but maybe I should." I say, getting onto my bed and dialing my moms number.

"Bambina! Hi!" Her voice rings out. I fill her in on the whole situation, "I just.. I'm so angry." I say, finishing. "Ahhh. Sí, you have a right to be angry. But it's also that Italian temper of yours." She says, laughing. "Sí" I reply, smiling. 

We catch up for a little, before mama has to hang up to make dinner. Annie gets into my bed with me, "what do you wanna do for our six month tomorrow?" She asks, her head resting on my chest. "I can think of something we can do." I reply, my hand gently stroking her arm. "Oh yeah?" She says, smirking. Before I know it, her lips are on mine.

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