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2 months later 

Carinas pov 

We just got home from picking up y/n from school, she's passed out in her room. Im sitting on the couch, resting my computer on my 7 month bump to do my research. Maya hands me a warm mug, my favorite tea. 

"We should go on vacation" she says, which almost makes me spit out my tea. "Cosa?" I say, taking my eyes off my laptop and meeting hers. "I mean, we're all stressed, y/n had a hard last semester, I'm working too much, you're working too much... we deserve to take a vacation as a family." She says, cuddling next to me, resting her head on my shoulder. 

"sí, we all do need a vacation. Since when are you the relaxed one?" I ask giggling. "Since I almost died" she replied smiling. I kiss her head gently. "Where.." I start, but she cuts me off. "I have the whole thing planned, you don't need to worry about a thing. I asked Bailey, and she's more than willing to give you the weekend off." 

I tear up thinking of how sweet this is. Maya knows me better than I know myself. I'm working myself to the ground with my new research. This 'new' Maya is so much more relaxed, more giving, more thoughtful... don't get me wrong, I still love my 'clipboard Maya' but I could get used to this. 

A few days later 

"Bambina I don't know what to pack, you won't tell me where we're going." I say snapping at her, throwing my hands up in frustration. Maya pulls my suitcase out of the closet, fully packed. "That's why I took care of it while you were at work." She says smiling, wrapping her arms around me.

She gets on her knees, kissing my bump, whispering sweet nothings to the baby. She gets up and grabs Luna's suitcase, her biceps flexed. I know she can feel my eyes on her, but I'm sure we'll have plenty of time for that this weekend. 

"Y/n? Ready?" I yell, "sí mama, I'm downstairs" she replies.

Maya brings our stuff downstairs, ignoring my pleading to let me help. "I know you can help, I don't want you to though." She replies smiling. I sigh, trying to hide my smile. 

Mayas pov 

My nerves are really kicking in, I think the surprise is more than she thinks it is. I am starting to think it was a bad idea... what if.. "Maya?" I hear, snapping me out of my thoughts. She tosses her keys to me, and we head out. 

Y/n is on her phone, listening to music. Luna is passed out, and has been for about an hour. Carina is fighting sleep, trying to see where we're going. It's only about a 3 hour drive. I place my hand on top of hers in her lap, "take a nap, darling. It'll only be another hour." I say, as y/n hands her the blanket and pillow I packed for her in the back. 

About an hour later, we pull in the driveway. I turn to y/n, and she nods and grabs Luna and heads inside. I told y/n last night, because my nerves wouldn't stop. She reassured me it would be okay, but my heart is still racing. 

I stroke the side of her face, "Bambina, we're here." I say. She slowly wakes up, still groggy. "Where are we?" She asks. "Come see" I reply. I grab her hand, helping her out of the car. We walk to the front door, and in the house. 

"Wow, it's beautiful." She says, her eyes dancing around the open floor plan. She walks to the kitchen, admiring the marble counter tops. Her eyes land on a framed picture of us next to the fridge. "Bambina... why is there a picture of us?" She says, her eyebrows furrowed. 

"Because it's our house." I reply, my heart beating through my chest. "What?" She says, her face turning to a slight smile. "The house is ours. I thought we needed a getaway place, one that wasn't too close but was also close enough to drive, and I looked at a lot of cabins but I know you like the beach so.." I start rambling, I'm interrupted by her lips meeting mine. 

Tears streaming down her face. "Bella.. I.. I can't find the words. Thank you. I love you so much." She says smiling. I wipe her tears with my sleeve, kissing her again gently, "I love you too." I reply. 

After I bring all our stuff in, I give her a tour. "How did you do this?" She asks, running her hands along the oak dressers. "I started looking when we decided to have another baby, and I saw a bunch of houses but this one stuck out to me. I bought it the day I saw it. I drove out here quite a few times, to buy furniture, decorate, do some repairs..." 

"Bambina, what is this?" She says, pulling the only article of clothing out of the closet. "That is for our date night tomorrow." I reply. She smiles, tears forming in her eyes again. I wrap my arms around her from behind, placing my hands on her belly. She lays her head in my shoulder, tears of happiness running down her cheeks. 

"Annie is meeting y/n here tomorrow, and they agree to watch Lu for our date." I say, putting our folded clothes into drawers. 

"Y/n, we're getting coffee, wanna come?" I ask, Lu on my hip. "Yes please." She replies, putting her long brown hair up. It's just like her mamas, wavy and highlighted. She got all of carinas best traits. 

As we're sitting in the cafe, carinas phone vibrates multiple times in a row. "It's Jo, I have to take this. I'll be right back." She says, walking off to answer. 

"So, Annie's coming tomorrow morning right?" I ask. Y/n nods, attempting to hide her face. "You know, it's kind of hard to hide stuff from people who know you so well." I say, making eye contact with her. "You know?" She asks. "Y/n" I reply laughing. "Of course we know. And we're happy for you. Your mama cried the other day because of your 'young love'." I say.

Y/n laughs, "sounds like her." She replies. "Listen, we support you no matter what. And I know I'm not legally your mom yet, but I love you like a daughter." I say, she smiles and says it back. 

Carinas comes back, "she just finished the write up for the research, now we have to get it published." She says. "I'm so proud of you." I say back, smiling. 

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