Sneaking around

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Mayas pov
Y/n and I are going to the hospital to get her ankle checked today. I already texted Lincoln, he's ready for us whenever. "Where are you two going?" Carina asks before we make it out of the door.

"The store." I respond, swirling my keys on my finger. "I have to go in to the hospital today, I have a patient I promised I would deliver for." She responds. "Can you take Luna and Andrea?" She asks. My face goes blank. Luna will tell Carina if we bring her. "We'll be quick." I say.

"Okay, I have to leave in 2 hours. Please be back before then." Carina replies. "Yes honey." I say, placing a kiss on her cheek. "Have fun you too." She says as we leave.

"You're an awful liar." Y/n says to me the second we get in the car. "She believed it. That's all that matters." I reply. "Aren't you worried you're going to see someone at the hospital?" She asks. "No, Lincoln is going to meet us in the back. No one is ever over there." I say.

We get to the hospital and I park in the back, basically sneaking y/n in through the double doors. "Here." I text Lincoln. "This feels like a drug deal." Y/n says, laughing.

"How would you know about that?" I snap back at her. She goes silent. Lincoln knocks on the door before coming in. "This is so weird." He says, locking the door behind him. ""You agreed to it." I reply.

"Okay, let's see the ankle." He says, as you/n hops onto a bed. She takes her shoe and sock off and pulls her pant leg up. "Jesus!" I say. It's so swollen and red. "There's severe bruising. Does it feel unstable?" He asks, turning her foot gently. "Kinda." Y/n replies.

He reaches for his bag, digging around it in before pulling out an ice pack and a brace. "I'm going to put this on. It's going to hurt." He says.

He centers her ankle before putting the brace on. She's barely reacting to the pain. "Ice it everyday, 15 on 15 off. If it gets worse, text me. You can take Advil for the pain, but without an actual appointment I can't prescribe you anything." He says. Handing me the ice pack.

Y/n puts her sock and shoe back on, pulling her sweatpant leg back down over the brace. "Thank you." I say to him, y/n says the same. He heads out, and we're left to escape.

I peek out the door before heading out. The second I walk out, I hear my name. "What are you doing here?" Bailey says. Of course it's her. "Um, nothing?" I reply. Y/n is still in the room.

"Nothing?" She replies, staring at me. "Do not tell my wife." I say. "If I wasn't so busy all day I would think about it. Just don't get into trouble Bishop, you know Carina doesn't deserve that." She says. "Yes ma'am." I reply. She walks away and I signal for y/n to come out. We basically run to my car, and I speed off.

"Nothing?" She says when we get in the car. "I panicked" I reply, pulling into the grocery store parking lot. "Why are we here?" She asks.

"I gotta grab some random things. You really think your mother wouldn't question if we came home empty handed?" I say, getting out of the car. "You're smarter than I thought." Y/n says.

We grab a few things, and head out. I walk in the door, and Luna is on my leg. "Hi baby, let me set this down." I say, putting the bag in the counter.

I can tell in my peripheral that Carina is looking through the bag. "Eggs and pickles?" She says, putting them in the fridge. "Just thought we needed those." I reply.

"Bambina you must have 'mommy brain', you just got eggs last week." She says, stacking the cartons in the fridge. "Weird. Must be." I reply.

"Drea is crying" y/n says, I stop talking and hear him. "He's hungry." I say, heading upstairs. Carina followed after me. She loves watching me feed him. It must be some weird mother thing, that or she just loves my boobs.

As I'm feeding Drea I can feel myself start to cry. "Bella what's wrong?" She says, rubbing my back. "Nothing. My boobs just hurt." I say, trying to cover up the hormonal surge I just got.

"Did you pump this morning?" She asks. "Must've forgot" I reply, wiping the tear from my cheek. God, I can't keep lying to her. I'm so worried about y/n. She's not doing well, and I can't keep hiding it.

"Okay Bambina, there's something else, isn't there?" Carina says, moving my hair out of my face. "Maybe." I reply, looking up to try not to cry. I can hear Lu and y/n playing downstairs.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks. "If it's post partum depression, it's very normal Bambina. You're not alone..." she starts but I cut her off. "It's y/n." I say.

"What?" She replies, her brows furrowed. "Carina I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier I just didn't know how." I say, tears streaming down my cheeks. I can see her eyes are full of worry. She's such a worrier. "She twisted her ankle at practice, she must've been playing on it for a week after. It's really bruised. Annie also texted me and asked if she was okay. They got in a fight before y/n left and they aren't speaking." I spit out.

Carinas eyes widen, she bites her lip. "Fuck." She whispers. "Is she taking her meds?" She asks. "I don't know I didn't ask. I promised her I wouldn't tell you." I say, sniffling. "I need to talk to her." She says "y/n" she tells down the stairs.

"Mama?" She replies. "Can you bring Lu up? We need to talk." She says. Y/n doesn't respond. Oh god, she's going to hate me.

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