like a little kid

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time skip to their wedding day

carinas pov

"Carina, I'll walk you down the isle at your wedding. I mean, that's if you ever have a monogamous relationship that lasts longer than three months." Andrew said to me. "Andrea!" I say laughing. "I'm serious about the first part though. I know how Papa is.. and I want to be able to do that for you. To celebrate you, and for the focus to be on you for once." He says softly, his hand on my shoulder. I pull him in for a hug, and say "you're the best". My pager goes off, so I pull away and run off.

"Carina. Babe." I hear Mayas voice, bringing me out of my flashbacks. I look up at her, tears in my eyes. "You look beautiful, Maya." I say, as she stands in front of me. Her white dress flowing down her body, her makeup stunning. 

I'm wearing a suit. "We're not supposed to see each other... it's bad luck Bambina." I say. She laughs, her eyes never losing contact with mine. "I don't believe in that crap.", she sits down next to me and takes my hand. 

We sit for a while, before I head over to Andy so she can do my hair and makeup. She finishes up, and we head down to the main room in the polish restaurant. After everyone is seated, Y/N takes my hand and slowly walks me down the isle. 

Mayas pov

An hour later 

The ceremony is over, I'm slow dancing with carina while everyone else talks. She leans in, kissing my gently before pressing our foreheads together. "I love you Maya." She says to me, "I love you too, Bambina." I say back. 

A few moments later, almost everyone's phone goes off. "Five alarm fire" I say, everyone looks around. I make eye contact with Carina and she says "you can go Bella. I have to go to the hospital to help in the pit". Of course our wedding would be interrupted by a five alarm fire.

Bailey and Ben tell us they can watch y/n and the other kids, as we all leave to get suited up. 

At the fire 

"Herrera" I say over the speaker, waiting for her to respond. She's been in the building for a few minutes too long. No response. "Herrera" I say again, and nothing. Sullivan turns to me, and says "I'm going in". I bite my lip, "no you're not. If she's not out in 3 minutes, I'm going in." I respond.

Minutes pass slower than ever, so I finally put my helmet on and run in. "Andy?" I yell, weaving through broken wood and debris. I hear a faint voice, so I follow it until I find her stuck under some fallen tiles. Her mask is busted, so after I lift the tiles off her, I give her mine. I pick her up bridal style, as she coughs.I can feel my throat burning as I weave back through the building. 

"Bishop" I hear, and Sullivan meets up with me. I hand Andy off to him and say "there's more civilians. I'm going back. If I'm not out in 5, tell Carina and y/n that I love them both. "Bishop, I'm not letting you do that." He responds. "Go get Herrera help. I'll be out, I promise." 

As I run further into the fire, I find a group of kids. I bring them all out, and ran them to the med car. I got my helmet back from Andy, and ran back inside. I realize this was a mistake, as I feel debris and ashes begin to fall on me. A heavy object falls on me, knocking me out instantly. 

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